Defining Awesome — First video tutorials
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  • First video tutorials

    Written by . Posted at 5:13 am on January 12th, 2011

    These are the first 3 video tutorials. These will be available directly in the game for quick viewing when in need of help. I will make more if you like this format.

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    1. Lol. I really didn’t know that aiming over or under an obstacle has any effect. For walking: I always thought you have to press “UP” to climb up some stairs.
      So, keep up with those tutorials.

    2. Hey … these are more usefull then I first thought, good job.

      In the ledge section you missed the cool:
      Go down a ledge but stay gripped by holding space while going through.

      I would love to hear it with a narrator (just for fun, its probably annoying)

    3. Marc McMillon

      Great job, this game is really tactical. I’m lovin it

    4. Underline

      well done

    5. Looks good. That breathing should be a little bit more quiet, and it should come just when you run, or either when you stand for long, so it’s like: Is there mutant or not?

    6. Sorry for doubleposting, but you should add somekind demo. And many people don’t trust to paypal, so there should be an other way to download too.

    7. Monsteri: there will be a demo or even a full version with time limit or something. It’s just that right now it’s not my focus to gather lots of people. The alpha is for people really interested in the game, trusting me (why don’t you trust paypal?), and wanting to help me out and participate in the development.

    8. I trust to PayPal yes, but almost every person I know, doesn’t. Well, just my experience.

    Post a comment.
