Defining Awesome
  • Status Updates

  • Written by . Posted at 10:39 am on December 6th, 2010

    I’m going to have a lecture at the Warsaw Institute of Technology on Wednesday were I was asked by a club of game makers to make a talk. I’m excited to be there. The title of my lecture is “How to live from making games?”. Facebook page.

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    1. Ah cool, i like the conferences you did before. Can you post the translation too?

    2. Underline

      Nice! Are you going to speak in english or polish?

      Michała Marcinkowskiego!
      lol! 😛

    3. Underline

      Good luck today!

    4. Polish. I don’t know if it is gonna be recorded but for sure I’ll have a transcript, maybe someone will want to translate it.

    5. Hello!
      Can I pay with someone else’s purse (another email)?
      If yes, how? That specify when paying?

    6. How did it go ?

    7. Why is Link Dead in the released category.

    8. because it was released


    9. roxblnfk: yes you can, you just get a download link so it doesnt matter who pays.

    10. thanks! nice game! :)
      already mastered the editor. try to make a map 😛

    11. I dont consider alpha released tbh

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