Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 11:26 am on October 5th, 2009

    I never expected that stairs are so hard to do. It’s one of the reasons I’m writing my own physics, I have to tackle this problem directly.

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    1. How will the physics engine helps in this case? You pretty much have to custom code the stairs action so that the character can go up, ignoring any kind of physics (I guess for going down you don’t really have to do something but it wont look realistic), with whatever engine is in use.

      On an unrelated note, have you given XNA a try? What are your thoughts on it?

    2. Anonymous

      Make the stairs be a flat slope but render stairs instead of a slope. Problem solved.

    3. he gave us a lil movie about that, he didnt want that.

      he wants real stairs.

      MM, Anna found quite a nice solution to this
      instead of rendering a stairs, instead, render some amount of cubes to create te stairs? its prolly not efficient enough ><

    4. If you’re using procedurally generated walking animation, i’d suggest using raycasting and some cleverness to generate foot placement for stairs, while approximating the stairs’ actual collision boundary as a sloped plane.

      This is really only easy to implement if your current animation system uses raycasting to generate walking animation, though.

    5. Erm.

      Please don’t make physically correct walking and stair climbing. Please please don’t. It’ll look like Cortex Command, where every character walks as if he is REALLY drunk, in a physically correct way.

      Static animations and special zones for stairs, kthxbai.

    6. Physics engine prevents from doing it easily, that’s my point.

    7. @archont: what I was suggesting isn’t “physically correct” .. it just makes it look that way. the character would still move “fakely” along the slope, but the foot placement would align to the stairs. many modern 3D games do this, and it’s actually a lot simpler to solve in 2D.

    8. Makron666

      What about implementing inverse kinematics into your physics engine. That will fix alot of your problems.

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