Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 7:13 am on October 18th, 2009

    I didn’t have electricity for a few days but that didn’t stop me from using the paper compiler. I solved a big physics collision problem.

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    1. It’s nice to live in the ‘better’ part of Pl 😉

    2. I’m beginning to think that the only reason why MM is developing L-D is that the door is stuck.

    3. curious: I almost pissed myself laughing.

    4. How the paper simulation of psyhx went?

    5. have you consided asking for donations. Alot ot game developing sites have that little donation button. It would be nice to have some investors lined up.

    6. My paypal is the same as my email: michal.marcinkowski at .
      Feel free to donate. If you’re rich or have a rich dad or uncle take money from him. It would solve many problems.


      Michal stop spending money on electricity. It’s not worth it, cut neighbour cables and steal some, it pays off and you can give him back the money after you are rich from L-D, really he won’t mint , if he asks “what are you doing with my cables?” you just tell him “don’t worry, I’m writing this game and we’ll all be rich” it’s ok , believe me

    8. niko šveikovsky

      MM, I salute you. Many game developers hide in the corner and cry when they don’t have access to their precious machines. It’s good to see someone who knows that there is much to be done while away from the computer.

    9. niko šveikovsky

      Post script (p.s.): Out of curiosity, what is your real-life-practical-money-making job?

    10. an awesome man-whore duh ?

    11. He’s like Kurt from MDK. A janitor by day, a gaming macho superhero at night.


      MDK , jesus , that was a freakin stupid game

    13. curious: I love you

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