Quiz: CGI or not?
Categories: Development log. 13 comments... »
Hmm, too bad quality to decide. But i guess CGI.
Yeah I would go with CGI too. Though I wonder what that white thingy on the sky is which eventually disappears :S
I guess it’s not CGI, that’s what my eyes tell me at least.
Too bad quality to tell.
what are you getting at MM?
I say the CGI. The ground looks like too uniform of a texture and so do the clouds.
Looks like a miniature, but I think it’s real.
I’m guessing it’s real, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was CGI.
Did I win?
This one is more impresive: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg34l5On-5c&feature=related
GCI or not?!
dam, how to I remove posts? =\
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Hmm, too bad quality to decide. But i guess CGI.
Yeah I would go with CGI too.
Though I wonder what that white thingy on the sky is which eventually disappears :S
I guess it’s not CGI, that’s what my eyes tell me at least.
Too bad quality to tell.
what are you getting at MM?
I say the CGI. The ground looks like too uniform of a texture and so do the clouds.
Looks like a miniature, but I think it’s real.
I’m guessing it’s real, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was CGI.
Did I win?
This one is more impresive:
GCI or not?!
dam, how to I remove posts? =\