Defining Awesome — CGI or not? Results
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  • CGI or not? Results

    Written by . Posted at 5:30 pm on November 16th, 2009

    In response to the quiz there was:
    10 votes for CGI & 9 votes for real.
    I guess the interpretation of this is: that nobody can really tell.
    The truth is that the video is a clip from the 1973 film The Wicker Man.

    My point with this was:
    1. to say that The Wicker Man is a brilliant film and you should go watch it now
    2. there are things in the real world that look fake but they are not. This is the problem that CGI artists and game artists face today. Some things just look fake but everyone wants real. So how do you make it more real? Of course – MORE BROWN!

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    1. Yay I win!

      And good points there. I agree.

    2. sweet :)

    3. there’s a 2006 remake with nicolas cage, but it sucks:
      that’s all I know about this movie, gonna look for the original one…

    4. Ad. 2:

      It’s dead obvious this wasn’t CGI. If there’s one thing that differentiates CGI from the real world is that CGI is perfect. Even imperfections are perfect. CGI uses patterns, repetition and uniformness. The real world has enthropy, imperfection and wear of all kinds. The real world has imperfections of various kinds, object wear and/or destruction that doesn’t go from 0.0 to 1.0, but can be worn out in many ways, and those are not uniform.

      Creating realistic CGI means creating a million tiny imperfections that most people won’t even notice.

      Also, if you want LD to be realistic, the bethesda way, don’t forget bloom. Lots of bloom. And then double that much and then set THAT as a minimum slider value that goes all the way up to over nine thousand.

    5. Man that video totally looked like it was on some kind of alien planet.

      But that really isn’t a problem.
      I at least would like better reacting worlds rather than completely realistic looking worlds.

    6. It’s landscape in Scotland as far as I know.

    7. HexanValaris

      Good to know, in our world, we have beautiful places… =)

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