Defining Awesome — 2009 — August
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  • Posts from August 2009

    August 11th 2009

    I think I ate too much cake the day before and was really sleepy. Got some serious work done only after dinner. I’ll show later what I got.

    August 10th 2009

    Warrior’s Diet

    Since I started bodybuilding dieting is very important to me. Mixing a lifestyle of a coder and bodybuilder isn’t that easy. Pumping iron itself is a very good excercise, the blood starts flowing to muscles and brain, you get satisfaction, testosterone makes you think and act like a man.
    All good stuff. The problem is, that to gain mass you must eat an enormous amount of food everyday (real food, especially protein and fat). This really is hard to do.

    First of all it takes time to prepare and eat.
    Second digesting, which usually takes a couple hours a day, costs a lot of energy.

    Most people usually suffer slight nausea after a high calory meal. It just makes you tired and unproductive. Programming requires a clear, focused, fresh mind. If not it is pointless work.
    I started pumping iron more than 3 years ago I think and I’ve had a serious break only about 2 months ago. I see now that bodybuilding was affecting my work as a game maker. This sucks. Also being a game maker affected my bodybuilding cause I wouldn’t eat as much as I should because I wanted to be alert at work.

    Fortunately out of nowhere I found about Intermittent Fasting. Sometimes referred to as (because it is a similar concept) The Warrior’s Diet.
    The theory behind it goes back to the primal times of man, before agriculture, when we were mostly hunter / gatherers. It was usually the case that you would get up in the morning and have nothing to eat. Unless you found some berries or mushrooms you didn’t eat until you hunted an animal. Which would be in the evening. If you slaughtered a wild pig or something with your giant toothpick, it was time for a feast. The rest of the day was spent on just eating – getting that stomach full to face another day. After the meal you would be tired and go to sleep while your body would build muscle at night. This is probably how men lived for millions of years (it is only a small time period of thousands of years were we own land and animals for food). Obviously the body had to adapt to this lifestyle. So obviously our bodies today are made to not only survive a whole day or more without eating but they are built in a way to actually have MORE energy when you are not eating. This energy comes mostly from burning fat and specific hormones that give you more power, flexibility and mental capabilities. It is needed to find prey efficiently.

    Fast forward to today. My prey is game designing and programming. I started intermittent fasting a couple days ago. I don’t eat for 16 hours and then I eat all the calories for the day in an 8 hours frame. I don’t eat at night and since I get up in the morning I don’t eat till its dinner. Only water/tea/coffee. So I work during the fasting time and after that is done I train, rest and eat until sleep.
    I haven’t started working yet cause I had a break but today I’m ready.
    Fasting makes me feel like on steroids and caffeine. I’m really excited to see how this will work. I’ll keep you updated.

    August 8th 2009

    Found a new diet called Intermittent Fasting. Benefits = heightened alertness and concentration + fat loss + muscle gain. Perfect!

    August 6th 2009

    I took a couple days off, been coding non-stop for more than a month. Listening to Death Metal Show.

    August 3rd 2009

    Contradiction is overcome in practice.
