Attachments are working for guns. Like in JA2 you drag & drop them on the gun attachment slots. Working are a silencer & flashlight. In the future there will be: recoil reducer, bigger clip, different ammo, bipod, laser sight, scope, barrel extender , talon grenade launcher, … ?
Written by MM. Posted at 6:28 am on March 9th, 2010
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shotgun attachment, riot shield, a javelin, stinger..
ac 130!
how about some kind of bayonet which fits in the futuristic setting?
wow…you guys are fast =/
And create clothes for characters? caps, sniper camouflage, officer
cloth etc.? and you will able to change your clothes in the menu, or during gameplay before you spawn?:)
a big fuckin plasma gun with a huge green shoot from hell? 😛
someone kill this “success” guy
jet pack
Just one question, gentlemen: what the hell is JA2?
And yes, this attachment idea seems awesome. =]
Jagged Alliance 2
gaydar. can’t wait to play this game!!
That sounds good, just make sure there is alot of variety. Remember, Variety is the spice of life.
It’ll be cool if you’d add those: Chainsaw bayonet, 2 shot shotgun, flamethrower, grapling hook launcher
What about a barrel that duplicates itself after ever shot and each bullet splits in two and multiplies in speed every millisecond and goes through all materials in the game?
FLEER Sensor.
I double mmankt: someone kill this “success” guy, he’s pissing me off
A collectible colored flashlight, or other possible ‘collectible items’ that are unique to the common items by something visual.
Yeah man, it would be awesome to have a couple of items that are UNIQUE in the entire game, and that you have to challenge someone for. Say, you have a unique silencer, that really doesn’t make ANY noise, then somebody can challenge you ONCE (or else risk of abuse) for that object. If he’s a lower level or the same level as you, you HAVE to accept, if he’s more than 1 level higher, then you CAN accept if you want to. The winner gets to keep the silencer then. And there are only…say… 10 such silencers in the entire LinkDead Universe.
Which brings us to a more complex subject: User-Management. If you have an inventory, then you have unique players. Are the players, their objects, looks, skills, levels etc. saved on your server? Or will the objects be lost after you quit the game?
I think keeping the objects from game to game would be a real reason for people to keep on playing. Of course there should also be games(servers) that only allow “simple” games, whithout any fancy objects from previous games. But the “official” games should have the feeling of a story. Of a player that advances in skill and strength the more he plays. You could also make a ranking of players, giving players a great goal to achieve!
Wait, I cannot fathom it being so stihogatfrrward.