Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 8:48 am on March 17th, 2010

    Added bot chatting for fun:

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    1. better show how the “great” ai works now.

    2. Focus, goddammit

    3. That’s great!
      I love it when the AI speaks to me. 😀

    4. Can you add the screaming of Sigvatr in the beta?
      Oh, and concerning that: Berserker is dead for good, right?

    5. duh, if correct, berserker was sigvatr’s idea. well, atleast he was sickminded enough for it >.>

    6. wait a second. I thought you were trying to program bots that were difficult to distinguish between normal people and AI.

    7. Naturally we’re able to edit it right?

      And I like bot chat.

      And release some team bot gameplay!



    8. Can you add the screaming of Sigvatr in the beta?
      Oh, and concerning that: Berserker is dead for good, right?

      No. It’s a game I would do only with Sigvatr.

      Bot chat is useful to know what the bot is thinking about.

    9. + Botchat was sick in soldat… takes a long time for noob to realize their playing against bots.

      Keep the good stuff coming.

    10. While this may sound odd, make the bots do random typos in their speech. No capitalization, no dots or commas, occasional missing, mistyped or extra character.

      Also here are a few ideas:

      “a rabid dog fucked your whore mother thats where you came from”

      “fuck you fuck your family and fuck your worthless country ”

      “youre a worthless pathetic piece of dog shit – youre a waste of air and food”

    11. I think archont has hidden anger inside

    12. archont, using such lines in not “natural” in any way. replace them with “lol nub”

    13. Underline

      fix the bugs and release the DM test!


    14. Just make them speak about different things, and perhaps a bit of lolz.

    15. Those are perfectly normal things to say. I suggest you play a bit of battlefield 2142, for example.

      The insults there range from hilarious (doublenigger!!!) to grave (rabid dog ect)

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