Defining Awesome
  • Status Updates

  • Written by . Posted at 6:21 am on June 3rd, 2010

    First ever Link-Dead fan page! (in Polish).
    Pierwsza w historii strona fanowska Link-Dead!

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    1. Looks like crap

      and pop-ups :(

    2. Underline

      yeah.. but its a start.

    3. yeh doesnt look so cool but having fans in the alpha/beta version is a nice thing.

    4. Doesn’t look good but the information is useful and nowhere to be found. It is a guide for modding maps. Here is a translated version:

    5. Makron666

      Yea, that is awesome.. you have yourself a real fan there.

    6. Not like us other assholes, coming here day after day for years, always complaining and wanting more. 😀

    7. @tenshi

      Yeah, we must be real hardcore fans

    8. by the way: any new informations about your pixel artist? some artworks, sprites, weapons? force him to introduce himself :p

    9. Just have to say this is cute.

      <img src="; alt="

    10. Underline

      Lol. yeah!
      I’m here since the beginning.

    11. im here before that, i created the beginning, first i created the universe, then i created the planets and the earth, but then i needed to give a purpose to mankind, so i gave them MM to create the best game ever.

    12. Underline

      Holy Shit!
      You are GOD!


    13. I created God.

    14. I created MM, who is better ?

    15. NooMoahk

      Neither of you, MM is better.

    16. i was about to say that rofl

    17. Hehe, at least somebody is keeping this devlog alive.

    18. Underline


    19. where are the updates : ( ?

    20. Updates will come, now i must end school year. Then i upload maps, pictures and mayby other stuff (how change standard map to Your map [change name, not config in “ini”], how change background…).

      Please, wait. My surname isnt Marcinkowski, I dosnt have many talents and time. Only He can make many subjects in one time…

    21. HexanValaris


      First thing u have to do! Translate the site, then doing new suff on your sites! =)

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