Defining Awesome
  • Status Updates

  • Written by . Posted at 2:18 am on July 1st, 2010

    Quick update:
    – collision has different materials resulting in different sounds (concrete, gravel, wet…)
    – first map is 80% complete
    – the alpha release will be a team deathmatch game, the proper game mode called Invasion will be added later
    – weapons, items and game rules are fully synchronized across network
    – added zoom button
    – Big change? I’m thinking about changing the aim system to a point-click fire one (it might need a drawing to explain…)

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    1. AnonGamer

      WOOOH! 3 Years this month since this dev blog started! WOOOOOH! This goes to show how much time and hard work it takes to develop good games, especially when doing it alone.

      Cat Slaps Cat

    2. “Posted at 7:04 am on July 4th, 2007″

      3 days remaining! let’s all clutter this place with greetings on sunday! 😀

      and btw: what does the “zoom button”? is it for some sniper-rifle?

    3. will it future the new gfx by the pixel guy?
      estimated release date of the alpha?

    4. There will mode horde as Gears of war?
      When show images of the characters?

    5. HexanValaris

      Oh man, cant wait until the new release! =(

      MM! We will able to play with my friends split-screen, in multiplayer ?

      (If we are doing a lan party here, we can play with 8 players, with 2 PC?)

    6. Underline

      so the net code is done, right?

    7. Mmmm… the point-click fire idea doesn’t sound so good to me… at least the way I imagine it… pls post a drawing

    8. In my head it seems promissing…

      It would add to the tactic atmosphere wanted.

    Post a comment.
