Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 9:51 am on August 27th, 2010

    Today I made RCON commands. It works like in Quake, so you type /rcon [password] when on the server; then you type /rcon [console command] and it works as if you were on the server console physically.

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    1. /piss?

    2. HexanValaris

      =D /piss is will be public if MM will put in xD. This means: kicking, banning, modificate your own server.

    3. hey michal , what kind of upload would you estimate to be needed to run a dedicated server for 10-16 ppl?

    4. /mercy

    5. /rcon /gravity -500

      *watches all soldiers splatter on the ceiling*

    6. what happened to that Indie Games Festival thing? are the videos on the internet somewhere?

    7. hey michal , what kind of upload would you estimate to be needed to run a dedicated server for 10-16 ppl?
      I have no idea. That’s why I need to release an alpha to measure that.

      /rcon /gravity -500
      Fun times:) Used to do that in quake2.

      what happened to that Indie Games Festival thing? are the videos on the internet somewhere?

      There is some leaked footage and photos if you look for it on youtube but nothing official yet. There were a lot of speakers so they need to process it all.

    8. oh a pity. i was able to run soldat servers for 6 ppl from Europe with 256 kb/s upload with average ping under 120 ms so i hope that my 2mb/s ul will be enough now 😉

    9. I kno this is a little off topic, but have u heard of ZP2K9. (Don’t compare it to soldat because it plays nothing like soldat) Watching videos won’t help, I thought it was shit until i played it.

      This game expanded the fun level past its peak. It bearly has any other featutres beside the gameplay itself. I brought it up because the game has a huge tacticle side to it, similar of what you have been saying since you started Link Dead. Depending on your position, weapon, and suit (7 or 8 different suits that gives you different attributes) on how you will win the fight.

    10. ^ I think you sould look into it, or at least try the trial version. You might find something you like. Itz exclusive to xbox 360 indie games.

    11. I’ll try to check it out, although I don’t have an xbox.

    12. Seems like the best Soldat clone I’ve seen. Looks like fun and it has that platform feel that Link-Dead has. It should work on PC if it’s XNA?

    13. It should work for pc, but they never released on pc, only 360.

    14. It seems Microsoft changed managment recently in the XBox department and they ship only exclusively to XBox. So if you want to release a game you can’t release it on PC or anywhere else. Fuck’em!

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