Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 4:47 am on January 17th, 2011

    Last build is really fun. FOV might become part of LD. Mutants got their new stuff, now it’s time for Ubermen to get their share of cool items.

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    1. Underline

      Its MUCH more fun without the FOV.. have you played a match without FOV?
      This feature can be part of a another gamemode, but huntdown is much better when FOV is off.

      BTW, the new attachments are AWESOME!!!!!!

    2. Yeah agreed. I mean FOV is much better than I expected and for sure I will include it as an option or as part of another gamemode.

    3. Once there are more server hoster than just curry Im sure we’ll have all setting tastes covered.

      Anyways, if it’s not too distracting, ocassional teasers would be fun.

    4. MM, i forget to say, that your game is awesome!))) and i like FOV, because it is more funny, when you must really hunt for somebody and he is invisible. When you fix bugs with FOV it will become cool gamemode for hardcore gamer =))
      P.S. Sorry for my english, i’m from Russia =)

    5. Yeah, I kinda ended up loving the fov since it 360 but I would still prefer playing without it.
      It makes for 2 different games and both are great…

      Cant wait to see whats the new gadget Ubers get.

      This game has more potential then any other game I can think of.

      About server hosting, if anyone can rent me a server please PM, I want one to work on level design and mods.

    6. I don’t get the payment thing. So if i pay 5 bucks… i only get to play the beta? So when the final game comes out i get no benefit from that payment but having to play a beta? Not trying to be a mr krabs but that sounds like a jip. Enlighten me if i’m wrong

    7. I think it’s like soldat, buy once and you’ll get new versions whole your life.

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