Defining Awesome
  • Status Updates

  • Written by . Posted at 3:35 am on February 22nd, 2011

    Bug fixing and tweaking is nearly complete. After this I still need to finish the Nuclear Plant map & draw guides for the new features. I’m thinking of releasing a test branch of the game besides the public release. I could update that frequently but it would be more confusing with all the unexplained new features.

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    1. Please do :). I want to play this !

      I couldnt mind less about explanation.

      Also, I know you are selling this alpha, but games in alpha stage rarely come with a guide… So no one should be offended.

    2. … dont mind last comment, I did not understand.

      I would love that even more. This would be a really cool addition and another step in sharing the development with us.

    3. fgg02: I would love that even more. This would be a really cool addition and another step in sharing the development with us.

      I agree.

    4. Me agrees too.
      So you could “finish the Nuclear Plant map & draw guides for the new features” while we try the test release and bombard you with tons of found bugs! 😛

      The public release could be delayed then of course if you then decide to fix most of the bugs first.

    5. so there would be two releases?
      Devalpha (what might give players release that doesn’t even load)
      Pubalpha (what is last stable release)
      I don’t mind at all new features and more up to date bug hunting will work just fine. Right now If I found bug I would probably repeat someone else. If Devalpha is released more often then you will profit more from bug reports.

    6. Would it slow you down to manage two releases?

    7. Would it slow you down to manage two releases?

      Not at all. The dev release would just be the release I am currently working on.
      I’m gonna do this, this week for sure.

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