Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 12:42 pm on May 2nd, 2009

    I decided to rewrite the snapshot pump from the network code. I can’t fix it for a few weeks now. You can’t get it right the first time.

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    1. Shoozza

      Good luck! If everything could be done right the first time there would be less problems for everyone ;). Maybe the second try works out better. If not well I’m sure that you get better every try.

    2. rfreak

      No, if everything would work the first time there would be no fun… right?

    3. “No, if everything would work the first time there would be no fun… right?”
      But if you managed to get it right the first time just once, you’d feel proud of yourself, therefore there would be some fun getting it right, just not in doing it all the time.

    4. “No, if everything would work the first time there would be no fun… right?”

      …like sex?

    5. Still many years to wait until its done?

    6. And if it does take years… you can still play Soldat, which is alive and well. :)

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