Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 9:12 am on May 4th, 2009

    Starting to make tile maps work in Link-Dead. This will be part of making ENOURMOUS maps work without effort.

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    1. Underline

      Whats a tile map?

    2. Shoozza

      A map built out of tiles which can be reused.
      Also take a look here:

    3. Underline

      oh! thanx :)
      nice! 😛

    4. Tilemaps suck.

      Although having tiles and tilemaps does make the creation of levels easier, it also limits creativity, unless you decide to create your own tileset. In essence, each and every level will look the same. The question you need to ask is if you want a lot of similar, shitty levels every monkey can make, or less, but more unique and inspired, well-designed and thought-out levels.

      Soldat didn’t have tilemaps, just decals, and I think that solution worked pretty well. There’s no point in the liero approach though, having to paint the whole level all over again if you have a set of standard items, like trees or sandbags.

    5. ellierulestheworld12 – Hey i’ve just started plinayg on your server and it is awesome, I have been searching for a sever with mob, creative and survival and this one is by far the best. I also wanted to know if you have any places left for me to become one of your staff because i love this server and I will be so happy if you would let me play an important role. I could be the grief banned and rebuilder, meaning I could kick griefers and if they continued i could send them to jail or ban with your permission

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