Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 3:56 pm on May 10th, 2009

    Hard to program these days. Maybe because I decided to stop eating sweets. Anyway I got about a quarter of the new map tile engine ready.

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    1. Underline

      25%? thas means when you reach 100% you will have to go back and fix the bugs.. so, your new map engine is only 2% done 😛


    2. FAT32 File system

      You may be right underline…

      MM just take your time. If your having trouble you can always ask others for advice, or perhaps ask a willing person to help you out.

    3. Shoozza

      ahh not eating sweets i did that for a half year ;).
      Yeah it’s difficult to guess how far you are. Who knows which problems are waiting to be fixed in the future and how much time they will take. But don’t give up you can handle it, just do it! :)

    4. not eating sweets is a good idea.
      Can you tell a little bit more about why you stopped?

    5. Underline: there is some truth to that:)

      grähe: Cause they contain processed sugar. There is no benefit in sugar except a short boost of energy and feeling good. I confess it helps programming, but only in the short term.
      In the long term processed sugar, first of all makes you fat. Second makes your brain foggy.
      Try not eating for a couple hours. You get into a very clear state of mind when you are hungry. This is how I want to feel all the time but by eating normally (to do this you have to select what you eat). If I eat sweets I can feel mental fog coming from it and it prevents me from having this state.
      So right now I’m probably in the pain period. It’s like with every drug, your body must get used to not getting the substance from the environment. It is capable of producing the energy without the sugar, it is just lazy. So it must be taught.

    6. Thanks for the explanation. I kind of like your view of this subject.

    7. Caffiene will make your brain work faster. Drink coffee.

    8. Yes caffeine is good. I’m drinkking really strong yerba mate lately.
      Cocaine is good too, I heard.

    9. Tea is better than Coffee for programming, the duration of the effect is longer and more stable. Many people say that green tea ist the best, but the taste is a bit strange in my opinion.
      I prefer Coffee in the morning for better shit at wc. Try not to drink Coffee in afternoon, it will cost you some minutes of sleep…

    10. From personal experience testosterone is a pretty good drug for coders.

      One, it makes you motivated and active. Two, it really encourages physical excercise, which really clears the mindfog.

      Third, it gives you Roid Rage, which is freaking awesome.

    11. Fourth, it makes you grow breasts.

    12. yv3: green tea doesnt have caffeine, only black

      archont: Testosterone makes you active and feel like conquering the world. IT is useful for long-term planning. But I would disagree that it is useful for a coder. I could spend a whole day and night programming much easier before I started lifting weights (which induce testosterone). It is a distracting hormone for coding, you spend more time thinking about fucking women and dominating other men. I’m much better at programming on my “down” days.

    13. niko šveikovsky

      back to your evil ways, huh? i remember a post from 2008:

      “Absolutely no sugar

      This is by far the biggest brain killer I discovered. It literally makes your brain soft – scientific fact. Well at least for me, I guess this comes from meditating and knowing your mind states. I definitely am not myself after sugar. This is again counter-intuitive cause everybody will tell you glucoze gives you an energy boost, maybe for your muscles but not when you need to use your brain.”

      that post, one and a half years ago, motivated me to cut sugar from my diet. even though you couldn’t keep it up for fifteen months (completely understandable), it’s saved my brain from disintegrating.

    14. niko: I kept it up for a couple months but then stopped. After a couple months you start thinking, sugar can’t be that bad, I’ll have just a little, and you start taking more. And you dont even notice when you are taking it regularly. But you’re not yourself anymore and there must be some divine intervention for you to stop taking it again.
      Anyway how does it work for you?

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