Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 6:13 am on September 14th, 2009

    I need to leave bot paths now for more contemplation. I’m changing focus to integrating the old effects for maps – lighting and fog.

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    1. yeah, give us some eyecandy! :)

    2. FINALLY!
      i love you. :)

    3. yes, bring back those mighty effects

    4. Will you release a tech demo with the lighting effects?


      I like the fact that Michal is capable of writing the game as he wants and isn’t forced by anyone , which is a very good thing.
      What I do not understand is how he manages to support himself over the development time.

    6. selling cookies ? or did he earn over a million or so from the registers of soldat?

      who knows, hes making a great game, and he manages to support himself,

      so should we actually care that much : O ?

      PS A REAL man should be able to take care of himself at ALL times

    7. The awesome people that registered Soldat support me. If you want to see me make more games do that too.

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