I’m gathering postulates that I know are True so they will guide me in my journey:
My 1st postulate “True art will defend itself alone”
Written by MM. Posted at 10:39 am on September 24th, 2009
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# 2 : it is best to pee under a tree
# 3: I always lie
Just because something defends itself alone doesn’t make it art though.
Oh yeah lets have a discussion about what is art and what is not art.
Or true art.
4) (for polish speaking folks only) Trompka Bombka Salcesonik, Heloł Beloł W Dupe Słonik. I hope you’ll find it insightfull.
What? Not even Google understood you.
@Wolfmilf, what did you expect? It’s polish, doh!
5: ) not only the goal is important, the entire road towards it is just, if not more, important.
hope you like it
EDIT : supposed to be: it just = If just
who stole my name fuu
@wolfmil yeah, like google offers 100% exact translations ;P Find an actual Polish person and ask him/her what does it mean 😀
#6: What’s a postulate?
People don’t lack strength. They lack will.
@Kosa Don’t you mean pupcia rubcia salcesonik helou belou w dupę słonik?
I could go ask them, but It’s not that important, really :3
Pareto principle: Focus on the 20% that matter, they produce 80% of your result.
@wolfmil !!! YES! IT WAS PUPCIA RUPCIA !! Thank you for correcting me 😉
@Kosa Could you tell me what it means in return? ;P
“Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him.” – Goethe
@wolfmil It’s a quote from polish comic-book “Wilq, superbohater – obrońca Opola” (Wilq, superhero, Defender of Opole (opole is a polish city about 200-100k citizens big.) It’s rather meanless childish rhyme which could be translated into something like this “tush wush litlle brawn, hello below elephant up your ass”.
@Kosa Hehe, I bet it makes more sense in Polish then ^^
@wolfmil it wasn’t made to make sense 😉