Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 12:43 pm on October 8th, 2009

    Quick physics test for Link-Dead showing bouncing balls and working very fast collisions.

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    1. Anonymous

      hurraay a step back only after 2 years!

    2. Haha, there’s a video from 2 years ago in the related section showing more. I’m surprised that I am not to the slightest degree worried about how things are going. They are going very well.

    3. So what algorithms do you have? Circle+Circle is simple enough, but then you have circle+convex shape and what else?

      Also, the balls are overlapping. Is that intended?

    4. by the time this game is released (Year 2012) it will be the end of the world! but then…! Sometime in the future when warewolves rule the earth, they somehow find this game on a flash drive clenched in MM’s cold dead fingers and play the before any of us humans do.

      Legend has it that MM uploaded his soul onto that flashdrive to haunt whoever plays it! WooOOOOOOOoooooo

      -Happy Halloween

    5. @archont

      It’s either intended or MM’s eyeballs got burnt out by overnight coding.

    6. Man, if I were MM I’d have enough of all these useless anonymous complaints by now.
      I would honestly stop allowing comments here, and just allow them on a site where you would have to be registered, and then ban your ass if you do nothing but talk bullshit about the release date, which is none of your damn business.

    7. @Tenshi

      u mad?

    8. I see balls stuck inside walls. Your only changing velocity and not projecting the balls outside of the surface?

    9. They got spawned inside the walls. I havent done warm starting.

    10. “… bullshit about the release date, which is none of your damn business”

      well first of all stop licking MM’s ass’n’balls, he does it for himself well enough and if the release date is anyone’s business, it’s the ppl who visit, comment on this ‘blog’ and are generally interested in the game.

    Post a comment.
