Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 6:54 am on October 19th, 2009

    I optimized the shit out of the shadow casting algorithm. I had to do it after I realized that the shadows aren’t just a gimmick but they will be one of the defining elements in Link-Dead’s gameplay. I got rid of the nasty square roots and other unnecessary calculations. The result is shown on the video. Each ball has a light attached to it. The framerate drops by half after about 100 lights/balls. It is a really good optimization (there won’t ever be that many lights). Also the balls have now corrected physics collision responses.

    (open link for better quality)

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    1. Oh SWEET!
      F*ck box2D, this is so much better.

    2. cool! i like it!

    3. Nicely done.

      On a side note: Recording a video slows down the framerate significantly (especially if the framerate is already low)

    4. I love that, it looks so artistic too, with all the lights dancing around. This’ll be neat for certain realism effects too, such as lights attached to a powerline swinging in the wind. What’s also cool will be when say a vehicle lights up in front of a player and the player is like, “uh oh”.

      One thing I’m wondering is how we see the light. For instance if you have a single light shining in the dark, but do not see the source of the light, the ray coming from the light is barely visible unless there is dust or it’s shining on something. In the video, it looks like it is reflecting off a wall, behind the floors and stairs. I’m sure the maps will have outdoor areas as well, where the background will be “distant”.

    5. Just empty words. What kind of PC? What is the frame rate?

      Is that’s all that your physics code can do? triangle – circle? Do you have other bodies? How is the foot placement correction working now? How do the ragdolls look know?

    6. ThefucjingCrazyEmptyBallsShit…nice smooth light

    7. Snow: That “distant” effect can be done with pixel shaders. I have it done but I don’t have the graphics right now to show it.

      Is that’s all that your physics code can do? Don’t need anything more. It’s that simple. That’s why physics libraries suck for me.

    8. funny how u ignore other questions

    9. Guns, motherfucker. I dare you. I double dare you!! GIVE US GUNS. That’s the esence of the game, we won’t be playing tourists in a world of smoothly rendered coloured lightning and shadows. We want bloodshed, we want to run gunsblazing mad across any kind of shitty map with a GUN in a hand. We won’t give a fuck about smoth balls of light as long as there is no gun in our hand and the other guy to shoot at. We need burst fire weapons with tons of shell’s falling on the floor. I have to admit I like those smartass coding of yours that makes lightballs and shit but I need some guns to be truely happy.

      Will you make us truely happy ?


      I think what Kosa wants to ask is if he’ll get an orgasm while plaing LD

    11. Link-Dead will leave you more satisfied than any girl would ever do.

    12. @MM: THAT’S THE ATTITUDE!! 😀

      @Dark_avanger: that was just a metaphore for a mystic state of mind achieved only by killing via multiplayer.

    13. Vectorious

      MM, that was awesome…

    14. Anonymous

      And what if am asexual?

    15. @anonymous: then it will change 😉

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