Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 4:25 pm on November 2nd, 2009

    Sophistication comes from mastering basics.

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    1. is this a postulate?!?! I MUST KNOW

    2. Sophistication doesn’t sound all that positive though… It just sounds like unnecessary complexity.
      Good games are usually straigh-on and clear in their graphics, machanics and story, not sophisticated, with 20 buttons that you have to push and 10 storylines that don’t make sense to the “average mortal”.

    3. Anonymous

      sophistication comes from the details, not from mastering basics, because at the end the basics are what they are – the basics – nothing more, nothing less.

    4. @Tenshi

      Ever play the MGS series? Sophisticated AND awesome.

    5. You must have some kind of sophistication. If we wanted to play basic games we would play Pong for 30 years. But we don’t. Still the basics of pong gameplay are what we enjoy most and many good games build sophistication around those basics.

      This is not a postulate cause I have a postulate which relates:
      To become a master you must invent and learn everything on your own.

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