Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 11:42 am on November 3rd, 2009

    I’m changing stair walking to use key up & down cause there are situations where you must decide to go up or down. Like here (thx yv3)

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    1. So, it’ll be (e.g.) Castlevania style?

    2. So the player holds the “up” key pressed and then approaches the stairs? That means the jump button is not up anymore… which kind of sucks.

      You could just let the player hold the “shift” key pressed when he wants to walk up/down on stair-tiles. When no shift is pressed, he just walks through the stairs, except if he is already standing on a stair tile, in that case he doesnt fall through it.
      I think it’d be a easy-to-learn-hard-to-master combination that would be very advantageous to expert players.

      In the video, the stairs going down begin about a meter behind the stairs going up. So the advanced, quick-reflexed player who wants to go down the stairs would press shift right after passing the stairs that go up. *hopefully understandable*

    3. Cerv: never played it:)

      Tenshi: Yes, but jump won’t be really used that much.
      Until today it was like you described it. I changed so you can choose to go up or down.

    4. IMO it’s much more elegant than the previous version.

    5. Why not use a duck and jump button that’s (area) context sensitive?

      To me, although effective, this up and down approach seems a bit outdated. Perhaps it’s simply the best solution though, in the example you provided it definitely makes sense.

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