Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 7:42 am on December 7th, 2009

    So sleepy today. Didn’t do much besides 3 animations and running into problems.

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    1. MM: completely out of topic, but you should look at the art made by this guy (Orioto):
      It seems very “Link-Dead-like”. Plus, maybe an idea to how distinguish foreground from background?

      P.S.: I miss the times when Megaman was a good game… :(

    2. Sorry for the double post, but just to say I actually forgot Capcom made recently a Megaman game using 8-bit graphics and it is awesome (and insanely hard, exactly how any 2d action game should be).

    3. WOw… if only that guy drew for link dead…

    4. Wake up MM! *slap* Wake up! *slap*
      Though maybe you should have a rest no reason to zombie around.

      I don’t like that pic.
      Sure it’s quality work but meh.

    5. Makron666

      Yea, that first pic is not that cool, the bottom right corner has great ambience though.

    6. I thought about posting the “Contra III” art, but I think it’s too brown (because you know, real is brown! hehe!). And there’s a nice idea in the “Megaman” art: weather effects. There will be rain in Link-Dead?

    7. Rain will be easy to make with the dust processor. Also snow, definitely snow maps.

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