Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 2:43 pm on December 20th, 2009

    Whew! Made all climbing animations for Link-Dead. Had to take weekends and nights to accomplish this. Count for yourself how many of them are just in this video.

    click for larger version

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    1. JacKDuRdEn

      Hi MM, so far it looks great! I know this is about climbing animations, but I just wanted to tell you that it still looks awkward when the gostek is standing still. when he runs, looks good, but when standing… I just do not picture anyone holding a gun with hands straight and both legs together… I know, I know, WIP and all.. but I needed to let you know that.

      Keep up the good work!

    2. how to take the gun looks a little odd. The animation when grasped by jumping from side to side AMAGAZING!

    3. is it the shit recording performance or is it so laggy?? some of them look ok but the way he is holding the gun is ridiculously bad.

    4. shit recording

      How else would you hold a gun in a combat situation? It’s a fucking dangerous situation, I want to be ready to fire at any moment.

    5. No, MM. We are not saying that holding a weapon in that manner has no sense. We are saying that it looks odd. Really odd. And ugly. Dunno… for me it looks like that guy is having some sticks both in his ass and arms.

    6. Yeah but even in combat situations they don’t tend to hold their arms straight like that when moving around(especially when they are running) they only do that when they are assaulting a house or something.

    7. 0:06 to 0:08 its horrible no one can do that but the rest its just amazing

    8. I think part of the problem with the gun stance (beyond the straight arms as curious mentioned) is that his back is straight regardless of how inclined his arms are. It doesn’t look natural.

    9. Very much cool! even very much but except this hand extended forward somehow it not so looks

    10. Not bad; although he really shouldn’t be in ‘aim mode’ constantly, least of all while running.

    11. RustyScrew

      i think elbows in would make it look a whole lot better
      like jack bauer holds his grip

    12. May be will better if the hand is extended only at shooting (as on it video ) and all rest of the time it will be pressed to a breast (well approximately so )

    13. niko šveikovsky

      they’re right, michal. if the character were scared shitless, or even just being rational in being careful, he would hold his arms close to his body, lean forward a bit (keeping his gut inward), tuck in his shoulders, and keep his legs bent.

      don’t worry about fixing the animations before the alpha though, that’s not priority.

    14. niko šveikovsky

      they’re right, michal. if the character were scared shitless, or even just being rational in being careful, he would hold his arms close to his body, lean forward a bit (keeping his gut inward), tuck in his shoulders, and keep his legs bent.

      don’t worry about fixing the animations before the alpha though, that’s not priority. priority is a playable alpha that demonstrates the possibilities of link-dead.

    15. Awesome. Except for the first few seconds with the gun pointing in a very strange way.

    16. They are all right, Michal. You know what? Maybe you could take something from Krav Maga ( )? Moves like in upcoming Splinter Cell ( ) Normal body position during movement and only when shooting gostek would take combat pose (on mouse click).

    17. Wow, just… Wow! I’ve never seen this level of detail in animation in any 2d game! Hell, I don’t remember a 3d game that has more than two climbing animations! I’m as fascinated as I was when I saw Prince of Persia and Flashback for the first time! Keep the good work, Michal!

    18. lol cerv, play assassins creed

    19. sorry for double post (fucking no edit)

      you see michal this is what I told you earlier with the way your characters are built in a wrong way, good that other guys finally see it.

      also sometimes on the vid it seems that gostek is aiming with his wrists and it looks like wtf.

      i wanted to add that after watching the vid a couple of times i gotta say as an animator that u really did a great job with some of them (not counting what happens with the arms), good work. u should take a look at uncharted 2 multiplayer cuz it has a lot of great elements and “climbing takedowns”

    20. Hey cool but I think when he’s moving you should make his arms bend back a little to form a slight v crevice.

    21. mman: ok, I was exagerating 😉 But, at least about 2d games, it’s really nice – it’s hard to see a 2d game with so many different animations, it really shows a huge attention to detail.

    22. HexanValaris

      Cerv: mman just create criticism for MM, and if MM can handle it then will be a greatest 2D game in the world:)

    23. Thanks for the feedback. I think I’m gonna go with the Jack Bauer pose, it will look good.

      mman: there are some things that won’t ever be accurate cause the game is 2d and because how the character is built. I chose to build him this way and that’s it. There are negatives of your approach too, don’t think that you have the holy grail.

      Sarge:0:06 to 0:08 its horrible no one can do that but the rest its just amazing

      LOL. I’ll show you a video of “somebody” doing exactly that.

    24. show me

    25. .-/ .-.
      _.-~ / _____ ______ __ _ _ _ ___ | ~-._
      \:/ -~|| __||_ __// || | | | /| | / __/| .\:/
      / || __|:| |\:/ ‘ || |__| |_/:| || (:/:| \
      / /\/| ||____|:|_|:/_/|_||____|____||_|:\___\| |\ \
      / /:::|.:\::::\:\:\:|:||:||::::|:::://:/:/:::/:.|:\ \
      / /:::/ \::\::::\|\:\|:/|:||::::|::://:/\/:::/::/:::\ \
      / .::\ \-~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~-/\/:.. \
      /..:::::\ /:::::..\
      /::::::::- -::::::::\
      \:::::-~ ~-:::::/
      \:-~ ~-:/

      Yeaaah ! Great Soundtrack ^^

    26. hey MM, it looks great! I am very pleased with the results so far.

      I have one suggestion: arm on the player looks very stiff. Maybe loosen him up just slightly? Otherwise, it all looks great! I love the swinging when he jumps and grabs onto the balcony.


    27. @KOSA, WTF is that surpossed to be??

    28. all the your animations are great but of course all of them need more polishing and maybe some more frames to smooth them out even if it’s a pixel move

      |1st Anim – Step Up
      -nicely done
      -may need another frame or two to make it look smoother
      |2nd Anim
      -should use the same pull up as 3rd Amin
      -maybe a new animation for the wall height
      |3rd Amin
      -near perfect
      -couple more frames should be good
      |4th Amin
      -maybe a new animation for the wall height
      -emphasize the bending of knees to spring up
      |5th Amin
      -couple more frames should be good
      -emphasize the bending the the knees
      |6th Amin
      -polish up the frames
      -may a few more frames
      |7th Amin
      -” ”
      -” ”
      |8th Amin
      -near perfect
      -add couple more frames
      |9th Amin
      -amazing detail
      -couple more frames maybe
      |10th 11th 12th
      -few more frames should make em perfect

      overall you should polish them by bending the knees more, adding more frames for smoothness, etc.

      these are all very nice animations. keep up the work

      maybe post all animations you’ve done separately and organized to get some constructive criticism from everyone

    29. Thanks for that Krack. You’ll need to see the game for yourself. the animations are super smooth it’s just the recording program and compression that destroys the smoothness. Don’t know how to record with more frames.

    30. Looks real nice. I sorta agree with the rest about the posture problem. It might be dodgy but I had an idea: how about being able to punch and kick when from close range? Probably crap idea it just sounds good when you imagine it…

    31. people only aim like that when taking really accurate shots, that’s why you’ll see that kind of aiming in shooting ranges, and that’s probably where you got the idea from. also idle stance should have a more stable stance (one foot very small distance behind the body, one foot in front of the body and knees slightly bent), maybe when idling like that he could aim with the arms straight and it could increase the accuracy of the shots?

      the only thing missing from the video is small jump forwards

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