Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 10:12 am on January 3rd, 2010

    It seems that the crashing on start happens with some exotic video cards and AGP bus cards like:

    Intel 945G
    VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP/MMX/SSE
    Intel Cantiga
    Radeon X1050 Series (Omega 3.8.442)
    Intel 965/963 Graphics Media Accelerator
    GeForce FX 5200/AGP/SSE2
    Radeon X1950 Pro

    Don’t know why they cause errors besides, that these cards always make problems.

    Also all gfx shader and lighting problems  give ATi Radeon HD 4xxx cards. Good news is that I can borrow a laptop with this card and try to fix it.

    Some crashes might be memory related. Does it fix if you set “v_savememory 1” in Base/Scripts/

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    1. “Intel 945G” :(

    2. It is really booring and hard to fix hardware related bugs.

    3. Nop it doesnt help i’ve tried all of the “solutions” in here my card its a gforce fx 5200 U_U MAN PLZ DO SOMETHING SO I CAN PLAY THIS!!!!

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