Defining Awesome
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  • Written by . Posted at 9:54 am on February 3rd, 2010

    Made a new Link-Dead map and recorded the process (click for HD quality)

    This is how maps are currently made in Link-Dead. You simply draw a sketch in any paint program. The rest in-game is procedurally generated.

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    1. danyukhin

      Can’t consider this way of mapmaking too easy to use, but what the heck do I know?

    2. niko šveikovsky

      i really miss polygon-based mapping.

    3. Map making for noobs will be a sinch!

    4. I think it looks really awesome!

    5. randomguy

    6. randomguy

      Nice, to my knowledge this is the first time ive seen this in a video-game to make map editing easy. Sure there are drag-and-drop programs, with this it make things a little more detailed.

      Anyways, awesome! I really enjoyed using this in the first link dead test.

    7. Good Job, making such an editor is not as easy and it costs some time.

    8. Man, no doubt this is great for a fast “let’s try that and see how it works” and for a million maps that will be made, to the joy of slow-internet-players.

      But after a while the map looks will get repetitive, there isn’t much room for creativity, if you look at it realistically, all you can draw are stairs and walls. The procedural textures are awesome, no doubt, but for God’s sake, leave room for those out there who want to draw their own map, that looks the way they want it too, and that feels the way they want it too. At least the textures, but better yet also the blocky-feel of the possible tiles. What if I want to draw a hill? Will it just be a blocky staircase that my soldier climbs one step at a time? Or a 45° ramp? *room for improvement*

    9. “i really miss polygon-based mapping.”
      Yes, me too..
      I don’t really like this method :(

    10. i already used this kind of a map maker in C&C tiberian sun i used to make on paint my maps its cool but i will be happy if have two kind of map maker with more tool and more details

    11. I am unconvinced with this method.

      I like the flexibility of soldats polygon and scenery approach.

    12. This method may work great for someone with little drawing talent, and may be a great way to make your programmer art look pretty, but it is a really bad idea to keep this for the release.

      This basically makes LD a tile-based game, which _really_ restricts map design.

    13. Underline

      Yeah, awesome… but we should be able to use our own sprites in the map. But im almost sure taht you will add this feature.


    14. Makron666

      Yea, the ability to have our own texture sets iand tile sets is a must.

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