Defining Awesome — Brain-state magick
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  • Brain-state magick

    Written by . Posted at 4:13 pm on March 8th, 2010

    If I don’t code for a few days and then return to it I usually feel like someone that has no math/programming background. It seems like a strange world and I don’t understand much. Coding the simplest thing requires uberman effort. The same applies when I code for a few days non-stop and then try to do something in real-life. It seems disconnected and things like talking require effort. I suffer from what is called the writers-syndrome were you can sit with someone at the table and look like you are looking at the distance, not talking much. You are really in a “zone” thinking about your project. I think many of you can relate to this. In the past I would think that “this is how I am”, but it’s not true, I was just constantly in the code-zone. You see it requires a totally different mind-state and you might seem odd when caught in that state in a social situation. The other-way around it also applies. If you spend a lot of time socializing coding seems odd. You can’t get anything done. My thinking about all this changed when I started becoming aware of my brain states. It isn’t that easy because it requires installing an external observer on your thought processes (and maintaining it). So if you haven’t done this yet, I have a message for 2 kinds of people which might be you.

    The first-kind thinks of themselves as rational/introverted and find it hard to do “normal-everyday” activities.
    The second-kind thinks of themselves as artsy/extroverted and find it hard to do math/coding/logical activities.

    You are not hard-wired to be any kind of these people. It’s all a matter of your brain state and you can change that.

    There are long ways and quick ways to switch states. You probably want to read about the quick one. For a situation like today were I haven’t coded 3 days I use, what some esoterics would call them – spells and chants. Specifically I use Metal Music to get back into code-zone. I recommend. It doesn’t have to be music for you. Spells, chants and rituals are all methods of brain state change. I can elaborate if anyone is interested.

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    1. Damn, i feel the same way but never fought about it in this way :)

      Hmm my spell is coffeine. Lots of coffeine. To transfer to the first state. Sometimes im listening to music i like (in a headphones, so i cant hear world). Pink Floyd works the best lately.

      To transfer to second state – alcohol or another drugs. Or maybe when im really tired or really happy im in some kind of natural social state.

      In natural enviroment im a bit of a first-kind’er. (expectable? who else can you meet on IT blog?)

    2. Mooseral

      Perform Rituals
      Code Video Games

    3. lmao @Mooseral 😀

      As in every aspect of life, the “golden middle” is surely the right way to proceed when handling your private/social life and your work. I believe the most efficient way to get things done, and done right, is by mixing these two… i’ll call them “activities”… at exactly the right amount. Successfull people don’t spend multiple days doing one thing and one thing only. They’re flexible. They don’t allow their work or their private life to fall into the background. Because you need both to succeed. Lack of socialization will eventually lead to depressions and a bad working morale.

      The idea is really simple, all you have to do is to stop working in the evening, no matter how far your progress is, and go out and have some fun, clear your head.

      For me, this is sometimes how I find the best solution to complex problems that I just can’t figure out while staring at the monitor.
      Sometimes, all your problems seem to solve themselves in a couple of minutes after a long break and a good night’s sleep. Besides, you won’t be cut off from the world long enough to ruin your social life. A good laugh and a good discussion with a friend will give you energy and good morale for the day.

    4. NooMoahk

      I’ve always thought in this way, but I’m going through a time of no motivation. How can I get over that first?

    5. If you’re right handed, try covering your left eye with an eyepatch when you code.

    6. In natural enviroment im a bit of a first-kind’er.
      Experiment. Try going to a real natural environment were there are no computers (sailing, woods?) for a few days. After you return try imediately sitting down and coding a semi-complicated algorithm.

      Tenshi: that would be the ideal but as you know humans are not ideal. Second thing is I think certain tasks require a kind of “genius state” and in my experience it can be achieved by prolonged thinking about a subject. Like a few months back when I was doing the procedural map rendering. For 2-3 weeks I was constantly day and night thinking about how building are made, how do they get destroyed, how natures algorithms work and how to code them.

      I’ve always thought in this way, but I’m going through a time of no motivation. How can I get over that first?

      Don’t try to get motivation. Motivation comes when you are free from fears and worries. Children are naturally motivated to learn and do things all day because they don’t have yet installed the fear scripts. So think about what you are afraid will happen if you do or DON’T do your project.

      MegaIlinx: interesting, what will that do?

    7. Wolfmilf

      Wow, I’ve never thought of it like that. It makes perfect sense.
      Thanks MM.

      @MegaIlinx: I’m not sure if it was placebo, but I instantly felt my right eye to be linked to the first state. Makes sense since the right eye is connected to the left brain (logic thinking, not creative).

      I don’t know, placebo, anyone?

    8. curious

      It will make you look like a pirate but you should put a parrot on your shoulder for maximum effect.

      Now seriously are those ‘spells and chants’ based on pavlovian reflexes(?) so you have to train yourself into it or is it just something which depends on your personality and you have to find what works?

      Oh and does this even apply if I found myself to be a weird mix of the 2 kinds?

    9. yea, sometimes i feel like a real nerd after intensive coding more than 2 days. All is getting more and more abstract, the brain adapts to your activities.
      You need to have some life expirience and self-confidence to get out of this state without problems. But in my opinion this is the only effective way completing a more complex task. If you stop over and over again you lose the flow and this costs unneccassary time.
      Watching stupid TV shows, studying news and talking with people beams me back to “reality”; and intensive self reflection every evening while in bed, this is most important for me.

    10. Yeah, it’s a right-brain/left-brain thing I learned from drawing. Of course, don’t let it interfere with getting work done 😛

    11. shurcooL`

      Good post, MM.

      I recommend you read this article, it’s on the same topic and I think it will give you more insight on the subject. :)

    12. The very first thing to do is to make sure that your WordPress version is the most cnruert. Updating the software is quick and easy.a0 Along the same lines, you want to make sure to keep any plugins you have updated as

    13. You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.

    14. Aug11Madhavi Ghare Very interesting point of view, Brad.Yes, the hand sign and the connection with the Hierophant card is pretty interesting, isn’t it, as is the 10 commandments thing… Much to ponder about…Thanks for sharing…

    15. Un montaigneàdada, c’est un peu ma Chose. Pas Pennywise (ahem ahem) pour deux sous, autrement ce serait bonjour l’angoisse with the King of It qui part à Ducks, en chasse sur la canardière, ou couic !(« Des clous, ne ris », dirait le sage, « sinon tu connaîtras le sort du passage clouté… »)

    16. So what’s wrong with consolidating what’s in the building and turning it into social housing? I’m almost certain that architecturally and structurally speaking, it can be done. The problem is that nobody wants to face the mafias inside.

    17. Spoke on the telephone with the architect Peter Beaven. His studio office was in the old Canterbury Provincial Chambers. He had just walked from the stone masonry part and was in the wooden sector of the building when the shake occured. The stone section came down behind him. He stated the Victorian buildings of central Christchurch appear to be a loss, and many up to the 1940's

    18. Cool project. Its all going to be about concentrating the sun’s rays onto one location. Mirrors, lenses and thermal insulation are three things you might consider using. 1 – Lenses can be used to focus sunlight onto one designated ‘hot spot’,2 – Mirrors can be used to capture extra light and focus it back onto your ‘hot spot’,3 – Thermal insulation will help stop any ‘captured’ heat from escaping and thus lowering the temperature.

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