Defining Awesome — Glass
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  • Glass

    Written by . Posted at 10:40 am on February 15th, 2011

    This is what I meant by glass wall, its actually a window:

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    1. Hah. Do you think you could drop by at the irc today?

    2. Sure.

    3. nice!!

    4. Looks nice! So does glass slow down the projectile?

    5. hmmm no, should it?

    6. It really doesn’t matter if the glass is just effects without breaking.

      Come to think of it, if it’s strong enough to slow down the bullet then I imagine it would shatter pretty fast, whereas thinner glass would just end up with holes.

    7. What if you create a glass wall that can be placed as a tile (windows) and the glass break when a nade explode near it.
      eye candy =)

    8. Debbie-Lou

      Underline: yeah, that would be great!

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