Just for fun I implemented a Twitter RSS feed into the Link-Dead main menu. Might come in handy for keeping players updated.
In-game Twitter RSS feed
Written by MM. Posted at 5:25 am on November 23rd, 2009
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Constantly breaking new boundaries. In one word: sublime.
Wow, i really miss that in other games.
But one request: could you make it display images aswell, maybe even HTML?
good idea, it should be visible in the menu in one of the corners and a second one in the server browser, with 2 different dedicated accounts it would make a nice way of keeping ppl informed.
Also an in-game twitter with real-time batllefield updates!:D
it would be cool to have a ranking system in the game and some kind of medals,achievements etc so it automatically updates your account.
I would like to see HUUUUUUUUGEEEEEE 300+ player maps : ) without lag if possible 😀
or or or or 2 raging factions ? struggling for control 😐
u could turn this into a MMOSSS ( mega multiplayer online side scrolling shooter ) !! just like u planned before : D
Looks neat and a bit weird 😛 Does it act as a hyperlink when clicking on it?
Achievements are generally used to cover up bad gameplay.
@curious: that was the most stupid thing I read today.
U ever played CoD 4 MP? U ever finished any challenge?
I got tricked by CoD4 too and was like “OMG IM LVL 32 HURRAY!” and then after a time I realised that I don’t really get anything by leveling instead of enjoying a game I’m just working like in the hordes of MMOs where mindless players slaughter stupid sheep upon sheep for years just to get to the “OMG MAX LVL” and then when they reach it and wonder for what it was the developers come up with some extra content so the players can continue paying their monthly fee for the privilege of working.
And the challenges aren’t really challenges they either require seat time so everyone can finish it considering they are willing to spend enough time with the game so you will finish them just by playing the game.
The other types of challenges usually require you to play against mentally retarded people and/or be extremely lucky in order to shove a grenade up your opponents ass and then finish him off by shooting him in the toe with a pistol.
@curious: lol, it’s your fault that u can’t enjoy a great game. progression is a very important thing and it let’s players to discover new things about playing their game.
challenges in cod 4(and up) as well as xbox’s achivments/ps3’s trophies are meant to be fun. i remember one i got for killing an enemy with his own clay/c4 through a wall. it was a n epic moment and that’s what makes a game great.
But that moment wasn’t fun because there was a challenge for it right?
It was fun because you could shoot trough the wall and blow up your opponent’s trap in his face much to your and his surprise.
The fun came from blowing up your opponent into pieces. The award is like a photograph. It’s just a memory of that fun moment. A souvenir you might say, which is nice, but it isn’t the source of fun.
Make it show the tweet onmouseover instead of clicking. Would be wack.
Also save the old Soldat maps
Please uh tell the beta guys to create new good looking maps instead of modifying the old ones. I beg you..
Yeah, I too think the actual emphasis most games are putting on achievements is just hiding the fact most of these games don’t have REAL objectives. So they just create fetch quests. Is exactly like any MMORPG: they just put a quest like “bring me 100000000 pink-rat corpses to gain a new… Er… A new phrase saying “YOU’RE WINNER!!!!11!1LOL!!11!” on your status screen, holy shit!”. And most players still fall for it. While achievements are mostly inofensive (you usually don’t HAVE to get them), some online games are being destroyed because them. Try to have fun playing Team Fortress when Valve release a new list of achievements. The majority of players won’t be playing the game properly; they’ll be just trying to get the achievements, and if you are playing the game just for fun, sorry, you won’t find anyone to play with you (everyone too ocupied with achievements). Soldat doesn’t need achievements and is fun without them; I think Link-Dead won’t need them too. And Link-Dead being a strategic game (where every player should have a different function), it would be ruined if you enter in a server and everyone is trying to get the “kill 100000000000 guys with m79″.
P.S.: I really would like to NOT see a “m79-like-weapon” in Link-Dead! 😛 Ah, and guys, sorry about my broken english!
@Cerv and curious
How can you guys be worried about retards online? The more retarded they are, the kills you rack up. So let them go for the achievements that aren’t very fun and kill them while they are distracted. Do the fun achievements and fuck the rest. The only exception is when these achievements unlock shit. In a game like cod4 or mw2, the unlock achievements are totally fair and easy. They come naturally(ex. get 50 headshots with this weapon). In a game like tf2 they aren’t an integral part, so you can ignore them. Worried about an example like Cerv’s? Learn to fight against that weapon anyway. So how are they a problem again?
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