Defining Awesome — Link-Dead release plan
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  • Link-Dead release plan

    Written by . Posted at 4:16 am on March 1st, 2010

    Things are going pretty smooth with LD now so I guess I’ll layout a release plan.

    Link-Dead deathmatch test

    Should be out in the next weeks. This version will contain as the name suggests a deathmatch mode with split-screen mode and bots. I want to test the simplest game mode before moving to my bigger plans.

    Link-Dead alpha release

    I plan this version to have fully working networking such as dedicated servers and a master server. Also the basic form of the RTS gameplay mode. New graphics.

    Link-Dead beta release

    This version will contain all of the functionality and gameplay elements I have in my head + bugs and glitches. They will be ironed out in regular updates. This version will continue for an indefinite time until I’m satisfied.

    I also want to start making some money out of this somewhere between the alpha and beta release so that I don’t die of hunger in the process. I’m not an academy teacher as some think! I do games full-time. Soldat is my only source of income and its not as much I would like for the work put in it. I don’t have any definite model thought out yet but Link-Dead in contrast to Soldat will not be a free game with paid options but a paid game with free options. I’d also like to get this into Xbox and other systems (OSX, Linux, PS3?).

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    1. Good to finally see some future vision. Doing the game on the xbox requires a big investment, u should carefully research that topic. if the game is fairly successful on the pc u could gather enough resources to make a console specific version. although i don’t think that you know the console market too well.

      anyways im waiting for something good to play with here, i am usually critical about what u make but at the end i want the game to be good and want to spend some cash on it.

      it would be nice to hear what u mean by “new graphics” – do u have someone to help, or just some new patterns for the textures. the game world has to be rich and detailed and so far the maps are really bad and limited.

      also seriously consider adding ragdoll effects to the DM release cuz with out them the fun factor is just a bit too low – everyone loves to see someone’s body fall and smash on the ground.

      also something about pathfinding that may interest you: , sot many info but the way it works looks great.

      and a small tip for the future- if u made a good modding system for the game(new maps, weapon packs on servers that are automatically downloaded etc) implementing it into the console version so a console player can play the maps created on the pc etc , would make it a huge selling point.

    2. Aperson

      Fantastic, plans are always a good idea.

      For xbox release you might want to talk to the guys that made N+ as they did a great job of porting and keeping it fun…

    3. Will there be a linux version released?

    4. curious

      Kinda depressing post I mean the ending. Though I can’t believe Soldat’s income was enough for anything I mean it’s not based on a subscription model. Maybe you can get a guest teacher position in a uni teaching game development? I don’t know how that pays (if it does pay).

      I think cross-platform is definitely a good idea(what’s weird is that while most indie devs make a windows and mac version they usually leave out linux)

      About making money between alpha and beta you could go the CortexCommand way and offer decreased prices to those who are willing to buy a not complete game and increase prices as it’s getting finished. Also IGF ?

      Oh and I don’t get what you mean by ‘a paid game with free options’ are there ‘paid games with paid options’?
      Depending on the money you charge for it I might try to buy it if it’s good 😛

    5. If I’d go with xbox I will most likely find a publisher, I’m not gonna beg Microsoft for an SDK.

      mman: new graphics means – new map sceneries (like underground, bases) and sprites done by a proper pixel artist

      curious: why not just get paid for what I do – games :)
      Everything that I have to do other than make games decreases my time that I spend on actually doing the game. So it is the players interest to give me money, cause I work more on his game.

      are there ‘paid games with paid options’?
      Yes. Doesn’t WoW or Sims have additional stuff you can buy besides the actual subscription?

    6. Underline

      Good to hear this.

      As a full-time job, you definitely have to make money with this game and I think that you have to release just a demo for free.
      Its not good for the developer when you have a free game with paid options because only fans will buy.
      A demo should have the basics of the gameplay so it can convince the customer.
      You can start promoting the development of link-dead, so more people will follow you and gain interest on the game.

      I really wish the best for you and success for this game.

    7. HexanValaris

      Good news:)

      And back to the mods.. if i create weapon like dragunov, how can i do where the player will grip the weapon i mean:

    8. so the people who have been following this blog from day 1, do they get the game for a lower price 😛 ?

      ( like me & tenshi and other guys ? )

      ill pay for it though , the plans are great. cant wait till the RTS release.

    9. curious

      Eh I don’t consider WoW to be a game maybe Sims is a game. WoW is just e-work + chat while Sims is the most evil pc product which makes you think that you control a bunch of little people inside your computer but in reality those little people control you.

      But I think I got what you said:
      You will extend L-D as long as the money comes in (hopefully resulting in more money and then loop so it will be one polished product)

    10. “Everything that I have to do other than make games decreases my time that I spend on actually doing the game.”
      –> get yourself a team/group of people, the “transhuman design” idea.
      then you can really focus on coding.

    11. @Underline
      I personally like to preview gameplay before actually buying a product. A free gameplay demo would definitely contribute to ‘urging’ a lot of people to want more and and buy the game (demo could consist of a limited online play or just single player, one gamemode, or maybe two, and lacking many of the ‘nice features’ but with mention of what they are (like greyed out text; plus when exiting, demos that I’ve played put a little thing at the end saying what features the user is missing out on))

      Nice idea ‘player holds weapon here’ type of thing; up to MM if he can / will / wants to implement it, as it doesn’t sound like a ‘major idea’ that would mean remaking the whole ‘holding the weapon’-like system, which may not be worth it, unless if it doesn’t take long ofc. An idea to consider: in the long run, will it be beneficial?

      Good luck, and try to have fun making it.

    12. I like curious’ idea concerning the Cortex Command approach. The sooner in the development you want money, the less you have to charge, since many people aren’t even sure this will ever be finished (I’m positive though). When the game is finished, you can charge full price.

      Oh, and the idea about holding game-development classes is great, you can learn a lot from this. You can widen your horizons and increase your career chances in the future (you don’t want to spend your life in the basement, right?). And maybe you’d eventually even find people you can work with, everybody can work in a team, you just need the right partners. You could even let your students come up with great ideas for certain aspects of games, as an exercise. They could learn from you and you from them. How awesome would that be? Besides, this only costs a couple of hours every other day. Enough time to get that refreshing break you need after a long day’s work in front of the computer. Plus, there’s real good money in it, more than Soldat and LinkDead could bring you right now.

    13. MM you may be interested in researching how the Unknown Worlds (NS2) team structured their game.

      They offered a standard version, and a Special Edition version that just allowed pre-order access to a few things and just an in-game skin that was different.

      90% of people bought the SE version for $20 more to support the company.

      Just an idea!

    14. Itachi_93

      It would be awesome Link-Dead on Xbox Live Indie game.

    15. ZeroG001

      this game looks awesome, too bad I don’t have a PC that can run this game properly. As soon as this game hits the console(because im sure you can make it happen) i’m buying it for sure.

    16. NooMoahk

      The only reason I don’t want this on console is it demotivates people to upgrade their pc/play it on pc. The pc Link-Dead community would suffer due to this in my opinion.

    17. Makron666

      What about dynamic ingame advertising, like posters on walls and stuff. Big company’s will pay a good sum of cash to advertise in a popular game, knowing that people are garanteed to see their ads.
      Sort of like Burnout Paradise, and BF2142 I think. This could easily earn you cash, and then you can possibly add an option for people who pay for your game, to turn off adverts if they like.

    18. kristhefer

      so is it going to be like wow where you have to subscribe for it or will it just be a one off payment for the game?

    19. so the people who have been following this blog from day 1, do they get the game for a lower price ?
      I’ll think of some bonus for you guys:)

      NS2 made a cool move, they got nice fans.

      Advertising isn’t the holy grail, it’s just additional money.

      I think starting with the alpha version it will require cash but like 10% of the full amount. It sounds reasonable.

      I think any online game should be subscription based, but I don’t know how people would react to it. I don’t think many people know but I’m investing money each month for the dedicated server that Soldat lobby runs. If people stop registering I would have to halt it. Soldat should be subscription based so that the people that want to play sustain the server and game.

    20. SplinterSnake

      It’s good to read that you’re going to try and get money out of this. You deserve it, and it’s about time. Same with the attempts at expanding this onto other platforms.

    21. whitdemon

      well… i really think you deserve money for your work
      but i dont like pay’d games…

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