Defining Awesome — Procedural tile generating preview
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  • Procedural tile generating preview

    Written by . Posted at 8:49 am on November 9th, 2009

    Sophistication comes from mastering basics


    Don’t ask me how this is done.

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    1. From distance looks a bit like Shroud of Turin. πŸ˜‰

      Separating background from foreground seems impossible, so i assume it’s just a tech test. As a tech test it’s impressive. Good luck on your further work.

    2. I like this a lot

    3. now that is fkin fkin fkin sweet :)

    4. Anonymous Nuclear Reactor

      Haven’t you heard guys? Real Is Brown.

    5. Veeery nice.

      When can I ask how this is done? πŸ˜‰

    6. How did you do that? Anyway, nicely done.

    7. actually that looks very well. congrats on this, just don’t be too full of yourself. I think i know the theory behind it.

      Anyways looking forward to more stuff. a little hint would be to make the walkable tiles much darker cuz u cent say what is what. Also doing bump maps from this should be very easy, I think that u can make it into grayscale on the fly. cheers bitch

    8. The texture is good, but the positioning and overall feeling is still light years behind that of human-created assets.

    9. promising

    10. sorry 4 2nd post, but mm why is the gostek black with some funny gay ass pixels?

    11. Mhn… like it a lot, too. Good Work.

      @ mman: When you add light and shadows the walls and floors will automatically become more cognizable.

    12. This isnt actually gonna look like this anytime in the game. Add to this lighting and FOV effects. It’s just to show fully the tile generating.

    13. It looks very promising! But please don’t go for the “real is brown” thing, ok? πŸ˜‰

    14. Whats “real is brown”?

    15. Heh that’s funny. I don’t want to do that mistake, this one too:

    16. @MM don’t tell us how is it gonna look with lighting effects and FOV – show us instead πŸ˜‰

    17. Makron666

      Thats awesome how did you do that?

    18. Hmm, this blog is blocking my messages again… WTF!! MM, what’s happening? :(

    19. @mman, creating the bump/normal map directly from the greyscale image makes the effect look quite bad. It would look “ok” if the texture was plain flat, which it usually is not. Hence why an object needs separate texture and bump maps.

    20. Its good that it’s procedural, but it’s definitely unreadable in its current state.

      Then again, the other early stuff looked great, so I’m sure it will look nothing but awesome in the end.

      Good luck MM.

    21. Fucking nice, I dont know if this will be all that noticeable in RTS games though. In soldat you’re probably more focused on the scenery and stuff. i don’t know, it’s just something about RTS that makes me less concerned about graphics.

    22. Also that looks like Boba Fett πŸ˜‰

    23. I dont think this is going to top modern warfare 2

    24. @Clawbug
      I know how it’s done nowadays with multiple textures for normal,specular and diffuse maps but I’ve been doing the grayscale thing for my 3d models and it looks great with proper augmentation.

    25. I don’t really trust normal generating algorithms unless I invent my own. I think it will have to boil down to drawing them by hand.

    26. but your still going for bump mapping?

    27. reminds me of the prison level in half life 2.

    28. Yes, normal mapping. There’s an 80% chance I’m gonna do it.

    29. So that’s the case? Quite a reaveltion that is.

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