Defining Awesome — Update report #21
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  • Update report #21

    Written by . Posted at 4:03 am on April 6th, 2009

    More bot programming. I made them use the waypoints even if they are not walking on a path. That means if they see an enemy and between them there is a hole, they do not blindly go like a zombie at the enemy and fall into the hole. Instead they use waypoints to determine what is usually done at the spot they are on. So if they want to walk to an enemy but on the given spot players usually jump, they will jump. This is a very simple, yet very satisfying trick.

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    1. Nice!
      Good customizable bots help make a very good game.

    2. Anonymous


    3. nice attempted insertion hack Anonymous

    4. I like chocolate ice cream

      Whats up with that weekly work time thing?

    5. good job

    6. cmd/settrace.exe – location:house(Anonymous)
      cmd/loadcoordinates.exe – location:house(Anonymous)
      cmd/setonfire.exe – coordinates:house(Anonymous)

      ..ahem. 😛 Anyway,

      Nice work Michal. It’s good to see you updating often and that you’re making much progress. Very smart with adding such behavior to bots. Really cannot wait to see the finished product.

    7. SOME stranger

      way to go michal , keep it up , I want to play the game … in this life not the next one

    8. SOME stranger

      I do not believe in buddhism , I am christian

    9. Keldorn

      Snazzy! Keep up the work (seriously, gutter foods can only last a man so long…)

    10. Fuck you Kelporn.

    11. Keldorn

      You aren’t iDante…

    12. Kelporn

      Fuck YOU, iDante.

    13. Grow up guys, have you got nothing better to do than fill MM’s awesome blog with crap? Go get a life.

      Anyway… It’s sounding great MM, good idea to maket hem follow waypoints to chase someone.

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