Defining Awesome — The sense of excellence
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  • The sense of excellence

    Written by . Posted at 11:14 am on April 21st, 2008

    As I’m sitting here, contemplating on the dish of ravioli I just made I inevitably start thinking about true art and the meaning behind the sense of excellence. So let’s resume our little talk about art because it is soo important. Art tells us a lot about not only us as human beings but also about our experience and what should we do with our lives in general.

    This post is probably about the source of art and to talk about art I must talk about our minds internal representations. It is a speculation on my path of searching for the true meaning of art and how to create it.

    There are certain questions you encounter on this path. For example what comes first: emotion or thought?

    Let’s define thoughts as everything that is happening in your awareness such as your inner voice, abstracting, analyzing, rationalizing, imagining, visualizing, hearing, seeing stuff inside your mind.

    Emotion is whatever you feel in your body or in general, like the state of mind you are in.

    Now do thoughts change emotional states?

    Or do emotions change thoughts?

    For example I can be sitting in my room thinking happy thoughts about bunny rabbits and how cute they are. Now this will make me joyful. But is it like that? Can’t it be the other way around?

    What if I was already feeling joyful and that produced the thoughts of hopping bunny rabbits.

    It is important to know what comes first because then you’ll know where does brilliancy come from. Does it come because you think about it and then produce it, or does it come from some place else, rather undefinable. A place which can’t be described much in words, cause you can never catch it like that. A place which is always there with you, every second of your existence. You know about it and you feel its power. Like a tingling sensation inside of you, of existence itself.

    For your reading pleasure…

    There are things that you notice only after you slow down your thought processes considerably. Let’s say that whatever is happening in your mind is like trains running on tracks. They are fast, they switch tracks, there are many of them and you hop from one train to another. This is happening all the time. By slowing down your thought processes I mean either slowing down the train you are currently on and noticing where you are heading, where did you come from and noticing your surroundings or getting off the train entirely and just looking from a static perspective. This is not easy. It took me a couple months to get good at it. I wanted to do it because there is a lot of bullshit going on in your head if you don’t notice it. Like I could be walking down the street and thinking what is a random person in front of me thinking about me. Now why the fuck would I think about that? Why would you ever even consider what a stranger that you will never meet again in your entire life think about you. Why do you even assume that this person is thinking about you, or even better why do you assume he is thinking at all! Absolutely no reason. But stuff like that happens in your head. And if you don’t learn to notice it and discard from your thought processes you’ll have a lot of mental noise that prevents you from thinking about more important things (like bunny rabbits).

    The positive side effect of slowing down thought processes is that you start seeing where do thoughts come from and you get an answer to the question “what comes first: emotion or thought?”. It is rather obvious for me now that thoughts come from emotions. But it is a lot deeper than that, because emotions also come from some place. They are a lot closer to this place but there is an important distinction. Let’s call this place an “inkling”.

    It is different than emotions cause you can localize anger being in your chest for example. An inkling is different because it is non-local, just a sense of something. You just know that there it is. Like knowing that you’ll be eating breakfast tomorrow or just sensing that you’re sitting on a chair. It is very very simple, but because it happens fast we don’t notice it. It’s a matter of miliseconds and it is transformed into emotions and into thoughts. So quickly instead of just experiencing yourself sitting on a chair, you might start feeling discomfort and out of that you start thinking “Why am I sitting here?”, which is mental noise, because you don’t have to have a reason to sit, you can just sit.

    Anyway, this inkling, is in fact your driving force or the driving force of life itself. And believe me or not everything that you ever experience comes from it.

    An elaboration on that statement would be too much for me to write. Let’s say it is something you must see to believe. As R.A. Wilson once said when you notice this it is like spotting your father in a large crowd of people. You just know that it is him, and you just know he is your creator.

    How do you notice this? Let’s say you are playing Soldat and you decide to slow down your thought processes (this will in fact make you a better player). You see an enemy you aim and click the fire button. Now what is happening on the subjective level in your mind. You want to kill, you notice a gostek, you decide to move the mouse over him, when it is on the dude you press fire. OK easy but let’s go deeper. Why did you notice the gostek in the first place, not how your eyes work, but why did he enter your awareness, like why him and not the tree scenery that was next to him? What happened first was your wanting to kill. The search for prey. Now what is that want? It is exactly the inkling that is driving you. It doesn’t just drive your hand to move the mouse, but it drives your entire field of awareness. so there are things that you see and things that you don’t see. There are things that you do and things that you don’t do, things that you think and things that you don’t think because of it. Maybe this is simple but can be a shock once you realize how this works. I think the best way to show it is to watch this video:



    You didn’t notice it because there was no inkling. Literally everything that enters your awareness from your 5 senses and everything you think about comes from it. It is the source of your experience. So obviously it is also the source of experiencing true art (or knowing that this is it). Emotions come from it also. We all work like this, either because our brains work like this or for some metaphysical reason. I don’t really care, I just know that this source is the same for all human beings.

    In a nutshell, what I want to say is that all human experience is the same. If you want proof just think about it why does this video have 240 000 views:



    No not because people are fucking stupid. It’s because people have generally the same response to everything. Of course you may not like it, but that is a matter of taste and that comes later, it is a thought. What was first was an intuitive feeling about the movie, an inkling. And that is the same for all of us, call it an instinct if you want. We all recognize cuteness. It is the same experience for all of us. We are one because of it.


    So coming back to art. You might listen to the Moonlight sonata by Beethoven and you might like it or not. You may think you don’t like piano music, you might think this is great because it is classical music and it is a classic or quite the contrary you might feel that you hate classical music. What I want to say is that it doesn’t matter what you think. If you trace what is happening in your awareness from your thought, to emotion, to an inkling you’ll encounter what is true. And there is a certain feeling, a sense that there is something brilliant going on here. The problem is that on this level it is hard to grasp what makes it true art, but you know it is. Just like the ravioli I ate today.


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    1. So, all you have to do now, is to make a game that rigs a proper inkling of every single person. Then, the game doesn’t have to be so brilliant (same thing like with the dog video with so many views).

    2. Another interesting article, in particular the video with the bouncing of the basketballs. Although I think that’s more down to how we work, and if the experiment was re-enacted in front of each subject, I assure you the results would be different, look up how the eye works. It’s less defined on the edges but more sensitive to differences, and vice versa in the center of your eye. Still it was ana interesting experiment. I believe it’s called peripheral (I think?) vision.

    3. Rook: true, it doesn’t have to be perfect.

      teh_ham: yes, it has to do partly with how the eye works, what you focus on is actually being seen by a small part of your eye called the fovea which is very sensitive to detail. But it isn’t all, because notice that the gorilla in the video is making an ape pose. You should notice that even with your peripheral vision, but you didn’t.

    4. Anonymous

      I saw the Gorilla but I didn’t think about it. Does that make sense?

    5. But it isn’t all, because notice that the gorilla in the video is making an ape pose. You should notice that even with your peripheral vision, but you didn’t.
      If it was demonstrated in front of me I would of. But the video is a single entity, where in real life I would notice the seperate entities.

    6. Anonymous


    7. bigbossSNK

      Well, first off, LMAO@GAMES,NOT THIS SHIT rage. Too funny, and true.
      Secondly, I will make an announcement. This is the last post on this blog I’ll be criticizing. I’ve kept my skills of inductive and deductive reasoning sharp, by gnawing on these posts. But, seeing as Michal’s “random association of the week” game is scheduled to go on far longer than I’m interested, I ‘ve moved on to greener pastures. Regardless, it’s been fun, bitches.
      So, let’s do this.

      “what comes first: emotion or thought?”
      The brain’s emotional center and rational thinking center don’t operate under mutual exclusion. Meaning, both are active at the same time, and one can influence the other.

      “Like I could be walking down the street and thinking what is a random person in front of me is thinking about me”
      Most people in heavily populated urban centers are desensitized to this kind of thinking. If your subconscious is telling you to care about other people’s opinions on the street, use your conscious mind to reign it in. It works.

      “Let’s call this place an “inkling”
      LMAO. No. Let’s not. Let’s avoid arbitrariness that has no physical foundation on any phenotype.

      “believe me or not everything that you ever experience comes from it.”
      I am totally convinced. Oh, wait. FUCK NO

      Half of the people see the gorilla. I did.

      “Literally everything that enters your awareness from your 5 senses”
      There are more than 5 senses. Thermoception is one of them. Does your theory break down for these, or are you just unaware of their existence?

      “It’s because people have generally the same response to everything”
      No. They don’t. People’s biological programming has common ground among everyone,but it isn’t universal among humans. Some people are biologically programmed to (e.g.) feel pain, some lack the sensation entirely. And of course there are gradients between the extremes.

      “If you trace what is happening in your awareness from your thought, to emotion, to an inkling you’ll encounter what is true”
      You haven’t defined what truth is. To me, for physical facts, it’s a 1:1 correspondence to physical reality. In the case of Beethoven’s music, the notes are structured so that the decoding of the notes in the brain also stimulates the emotional control part of the brain, with enough consistency to create an emotional response.
      You ‘re confusing one form of purity, for the whole of what the truth is.

    8. Anyone who thinks games aren’t art is a faggot.

    9. bigbossSNK

      Your monkey like brain can’t really judge what is and isn’t art. So keep quiet when the adults are talking.
      (For those new to the game, Sigvatr proposed a completely arbitrary connection between homosexuality and the stance on games-are-art. I responded with an equally provocative and arbitrary ad hominem attack. Oh, and games can be art. Depends on the game, of course)

    10. Some games are truly art but nowadays they’ve become pretty soulless (Battlefield2/COD4/UT3/Killzone), like these millions of ugly drawings/scribblings/pictures on deviantART that were just drawn to catch attention, but not to actually represent anything with a meaning.

    11. [i]So, let’s do this.[/i]
      Loved that line, I actually lol’d.

      That’s great! all in [i]polish[/i]!

      [i](For those new to the game, Sigvatr proposed a completely arbitrary connection between homosexuality and the stance on games-are-art. I responded with an equally provocative and arbitrary ad hominem attack. Oh, and games can be art. Depends on the game, of course)[/i]
      Where did he say that?

      [i]Some games are truly art but nowadays they’ve become pretty soulless (Battlefield2/COD4/UT3/Killzone), like these millions of ugly drawings/scribblings/pictures on deviantART that were just drawn to catch attention, but not to actually represent anything with a meaning.[/i]
      Fuck off! CoD4 is brilliant and fun. It is art.

    12. bigbossSNK is a faggot.

    13. COD4 ain’t soulless. The single player campaign is great and the multiplayer sweet as (At least for PC) :D.

    14. bigbossSNK

      “bigbossSNK is a faggot”
      What, that’s it? I write such a lengthy response, making a complete fool of you and all you respond with is “bigbossSNK is a faggot”?

    15. Sigvatr is a genius. Dnot’ argue with him.

    16. bigbossSNK

      LMAO A genius at what?
      For reference, Michelangelo Buonarroti was a genius. Sigvatr is just your average hired gun.

    17. No, he’s got a lot of wisdom and he’s a great artist.

    18. bigbossSNK

      Too funny for words

    19. SplinterSnake

      “No, he’s got a lot of wisdom and he’s a great artist.”

      Yes, because is full of wisdom.

    20. bigbossSNK is a faggot

    21. bigbossSNK is a faggot

    22. bigbossSNK is a faggot

    23. bigbossSNK is a fraggot. 😀

    24. | 5’nizza – soldat

      for peace.

    25. “Yes, because is full of wisdom”
      That site is awesome. I showed it to all my friends and they lol’d.

    26. When i showed it to my frieds they said i’m sick and now when i’m doing anything strange they say this are some nazi rituals.

    27. bigbossSNK

      “bigbossSNK is a faggot”
      bigbossSNK is also a “nigger”.
      These terms resonate the loudest with you silly bitches.

    28. SplinterSnake

      I love how everyone is sucking Sigvatr’s dick and ganging up on bigbossSnk for no reason.

      This further proves that anyone associated with Soldat is not exactly too intelligent.

    29. SplinterSnake

      “That site is awesome. I showed it to all my friends and they lol’d.”

      Yes, if by “awesome” you mean completely unfunny and extremely corny, then yes it is “awesome.”

    30. Anonymous

      “I love how everyone is sucking Sigvatr’s dick and ganging up on bigbossSnk for no reason.”

      So true.

    31. “Yes, if by “awesome” you mean completely unfunny and extremely corny, then yes it is “awesome.””
      How the hell is it corny!?
      And anyway, that’s your view. That doesn’t neccesarily mean everyone else thinks the same way.

    32. SplinterSnake

      “How the hell is it corny!?”

      Haha. We’re talking about the same electric retard, right? Well if that’s right, then the answer to “How the hell is it corny” lies in the comic strip you’ll find here:

    33. bigbossSNK is a gay nigger from America.

      Congratulations for those who saw the reference, the rest of you move on with your lives.

      Also, hey, since when is being called a faggot offensive? Normal people don’t turn metrosexual as a form of punishment. You know? Parades and stuff? It’s trendy to be gay. Or at least bi, that’s so modern.

      As for sigvatr I wouldn’t be very surprised if he were gay, such a messed up man he seems to be. But hey, I don’t care about his personal life. What intrests me is that he’s a graphics designer. A poor one and not really the best partner for a coder like MM. But I guess MM just wanted to offload the work off himself from that department and settled for “yeah whatever”.

    34. “Haha. We’re talking about the same electric retard, right? Well if that’s right, then the answer to “How the hell is it corny” lies in the comic strip you’ll find here:”
      Yes, I’m still waiting for an answer.

    35. SplinterSnake

      The dude pumps gasoline into the chick’s vagina, jumps on her and fire comes out. I don’t get it… But anyways, we’re really just talking about stuff that has nothing to do with MM’s original post, and it’s my fault.

    36. Go and get fucked archont, I bet you make terrible graphics and suck hard dicks every day.

    37. Shut the fuck up people. If anyone wants to confess about his sexual preferences I don’t care.

    38. SplinterSnake

      I like cocks.

    39. Sigvatr, why are you such a douche canoe

    40. I’m a coder siggie, other people do graphics for me.

      Also no, I’m not gay. My romantic interests are frozen poultry, if you have to know.

    41. SplinterSnake

      ” My romantic interests are frozen poultry, if you have to know.”

      Please, don’t give anymore ideas for electricretard. 😮

    42. SonOfBeer

      inkling.. i like that :-)

    43. “” My romantic interests are frozen poultry, if you have to know.”

      Please, don’t give anymore ideas for electricretard. :o”

    44. It’s sorta gay this wasn’t the final standoff between SNK and MM. Classic melodrama i suppose.

    45. Yeah, MM hardly posted at all :(

      But then again it was all the same stuff.

      SNK was comparing Michals view to science, which is stupid because ofcourse science will prevail – it is based on logic and Michals isn’t. I guess that’s what SNK failed to understand.
      Views cannot be correct or incorrect, they are just views – nothing more.

      It’s like me having a view of MM – in my mind he is creative and eccentric, whereas SNK would argue that he is something completely different and he would reach this assumption by using science and logic. Science and logic can only prove if something is right or wrong. But having a view on something is neither right or wrong, I think this is the subliminal point MM was trying to get across.

    46. “SNK was comparing Michals view to science, which is stupid because ofcourse science will prevail – it is based on logic and Michals isn’t. I guess that’s what SNK failed to understand.”
      Yes I have noticed that aswell… SNK always thinks way too scientifically.

      “Science and logic can only prove if something is right or wrong”
      According to Michal, it can’t. There is no way we can find out what is truly right or wrong.

      ”My romantic interests are frozen poultry, if you have to know.”
      Yay ^^ New ideas for Sigvatr 😛

      Btw… I just saw for the first time… I loved it xD
      Shows that I’m not the only sick bastard in the world :)
      And about that, SplinterSnake, I laughed all the way through the site so I’m not too sure about it being unfunny… All about oppinions, aight? ;P

      ““It’s because people have generally the same response to everything”
      No. They don’t. People’s biological programming has common ground among everyone,but it isn’t universal among humans. Some people are biologically programmed to (e.g.) feel pain, some lack the sensation entirely. And of course there are gradients between the extremes.”
      You are too shallow… Deep inside (think: inkling) everybody responds the same way. Feeling pain is an emotion (unless you were referring to actually feeling pain, as in getting punched or whatever, which is even shallower), something you can feel for a long period of time. An incling is just something you experience for a split second(or actually you don’t really notice it at all, unless you’re Michal :P) .

      “I love how everyone is sucking Sigvatr’s dick and ganging up on bigbossSnk for no reason.

      This further proves that anyone associated with Soldat is not exactly too intelligent.”
      For no reason??? You, sir, are totally wrong. We do it for the lulz :)

      And btw…

      bigbossSNK is a faggot

    47. SplinterSnake

      “For no reason??? You, sir, are totally wrong. We do it for the lulz”

      For the “lulz?” Wow…

      I guess people nowadays also have no lives for the “lulz” as well. 😀

    48. Winterous

      BigBoss is right in a way, he clearly knows what he’s talking about.
      But he’s a pompous bitch and should shut up once in a while.

      Sigvatr is a poetic and artistic genius with great insight into his own psyche, and doubtless the psyches of many others, and he has a healthy taste for violence. (:D)
      Although I’m not sure a lot of what you said applies to me (I’ve got asbergers, a form of autism), I’m astounded by how brilliant that article was.
      You are god.

    49. “For the “lulz?” Wow…

      I guess people nowadays also have no lives for the “lulz” as well.”
      No lives? I dunno.. I live for the lulz, not the exact opposite.
      And you seem to quotationmark the lulz. You, sir, need and education.
      And here it is:

      In lulz we trust ;P

    50. None…


    51. SplinterSnake

      “I guess people nowadays also have no lives for the “lulz” as well.”
      No lives? I dunno.. I live for the lulz, not the exact opposite.
      And you seem to quotationmark the lulz. You, sir, need and education.
      And here it is:

      In lulz we trust ;P”

      Yeah, I know what it is. 4chan lol omg lulz corruption of lol!@@!!@#

      No one’s going to get taken seriously if they suck’s dick all day.

    52. everytime i go here and wach the comments they just make me laugh first sigvatr is a good gfx artist but not the best he has allot of things to learn and personaly the way he treats people makes me laugh cus of how he treats them with such anger and doesent care what he says (of course this is the internet so you can say whatever you want without anybody actuaraly knowing the truth) and while i think about it does anybody know who drawed the soldat weoponry?

    53. MM: I like your motivation

      SplinterSnake: thx for URL

      @bigbossSNK: you are an intelligent faggot

    54. “No one’s going to get taken seriously if they suck’s dick all day.”
      I’m not here to be taken seriously ^^
      The reason I’m here is mostly because I learn stuff about myself by reading this, I get to pwn people in arguments (jk ;P), and I get news about Link-dead and Berserker ^^

      Oh yeah. And to suck 4chan’s dick :)

    55. Anonymous

      “I’m not here to be taken seriously ^^
      The reason I’m here is mostly because I learn stuff about myself by reading this, I get to pwn people in arguments (jk ;P), and I get news about Link-dead and Berserker ^^

      Oh yeah. And to suck 4chan’s dick”

      Goddamn it, get mad.

    56. SplinterSnake

      “I’m not here to be taken seriously ^^
      The reason I’m here is mostly because I learn stuff about myself by reading this, I get to pwn people in arguments (jk ;P), and I get news about Link-dead and Berserker ^^

      Oh yeah. And to suck 4chan’s dick”

      Goddamn it, get mad.

    57. Winterous


      ahhahaha xp

    59. SplinterSnake


    60. SplinterSnake


    61. Anonymous

      I’m still not seeing any fucking GAMES, WHERE ARE THE GAMES YOU COCKSUCKER

    62. I’m still not seeing any fucking GAMES, WHERE ARE THE GAMES YOU COCKSUCKER

      There are no games, Michal is just in for the publicity.

    63. This post is the intro for the game 😉

    64. “@bigbossSNK: you are an intelligent faggot”

      Lol, by all means, don’t give him too much credit. 😉

      “Yes I have noticed that aswell… SNK always thinks way too scientifically.”

      But what’s wrong with that? As long as he follows logic while he’s at it, I don’t see what would be wrong with ‘thinking too scientifically’. I think one can’t ever think ‘scientifically’ enough.

      The one thing he does seem to lack is a healthy sense of relativism and self-skepticism. Ohh and sometimes he seems to ignore all forms of logic, but apart from that there’s a lot of things that make sense coming out of his virtual mouth.

    65. “But what’s wrong with that? As long as he follows logic while he’s at it, I don’t see what would be wrong with ‘thinking too scientifically’. ”

      There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just that he never respected Michals views.

    66. Wolfmilf

      What I meant was that he seems like he knows alot about science but he uses his knowledge to counter-argue agains Michal when clearly Michal’s theory (the 1:1 reality one) cannot be argued against.

      Michal says that we cannot fully find out what’s outside our brains (if we even have brains in the 1:1 reality) using only what we have learnt using our brain. There is clearly nothing that can be said agains it since everything we know (or think we know) is known with our brains, which might contain false info.

      That might not have been very well explained but I hope it will suffice for now.

      Damn… after reading that I found out that that doesn’t really have to do with anything we’re talking about right now…

      Ok, something else for you.

      bigbossSNK uses alot of ad hominems
      bigbossSNK uses aggression to win many of his arguments
      bigbossSNK uses dirty strategies to win his arguments
      bigbossSNK is a faggot

    67. I basically agree with you two. Discussions that bigbossSNK can’t seem to win, usually end up in ad hominems of how stupid ‘we’ are.

      But aggression never makes you win an argument it only makes him look stupid, but I understand what you mean there.

      The only real critique I have is that bigbossSNK, in all his arrogance, believes all this philosophy stuff isn’t worth sht coming from people like Michal.

      Where in reality Michal proves to be able to handle these things quite well and I don’t see why bigbossSNK believes other people are privileged to write philosophical ideas down, but not Michal.

    68. Winterous

      bigbossSNK uses alot of ad HOMOnems

    69. And we all know, when someone posts a comment with the words ‘ad hominem’ or ‘QED’ in it, they deserved to be flamed for being too stuck up their own ass.

    70. “And we all know, when someone posts a comment with the words ‘ad hominem’ or ‘QED’ in it, they deserved to be flamed for being too stuck up their own ass.”

      Especially when 9 out of 10 of these ‘QED’-ed comments are clearly wrong.

    71. Now that is convenient isn’t it? Since bigbossSNF is not here we can throw all shit off the world on him, he won’t defend anyway :\

    72. Wolfmilf

      “And we all know, when someone posts a comment with the words ‘ad hominem’ or ‘QED’ in it, they deserved to be flamed for being too stuck up their own ass.”
      And we all know that SNK said “ad hominem” before me.
      And I don’t even know what QED means 😛

    73. QED means quod erat demonstrandum, it’s latin for example or demonstrating something I think. I only know of it because I wiki’d it after watching an episode of zero punctuation.
      Seriously, I don’t know anyone else who uses the acronym. And I doubt very much that many people do use it.

    74. new plz ffs maybe?

    75. Chakra

      *fists MM

    76. PHeMoX

      “Now that is convenient isn’t it? Since bigbossSNF is not here we can throw all shit off the world on him, he won’t defend anyway :\”

      Nothing but good about the dead…. bigbosSNK ain’t dead though. 😉 Nah, you are right to some extent, but it’s not like we talk behind his back since this seems to be a place he frequently visits.

      “quod erat demonstrandum”

      It’s an arrogant kind of thing to do on a forum to conclude having proven something. I’m pretty sure it literally means as much as ‘as was demonstrated’. I prefer the Greek hoper edei deixai though. Still, this stuff shouldn’t be used on a forum.

      It’s far too elitist and arrogant to do so. :p

    77. teh_ham


    78. ‘Excatly’

      You mean ‘QED’ 😀

    79. Wolfmilf

      I think I get it now ^^

      I’m not arrogant!
      (Damn, that statement is arrogant by itself -.- :P)

      No seriously, I just think this is fun ^^
      If I’m wrong in what whatever I’m saying, educate me :)


    81. SplinterSnake


      Then stop feeding it.

    82. Anonymous

      Update your blog please.

    83. Underline

      MM died! oh my god!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    84. MM DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    85. Just shut the hell up and let him rest in peace.

    86. he did what now?

    87. Wolfmilf

      And we wait…

    88. mm cant post an update for his blog cause aditionals pylons are under construction…so we would have to wait lol

    89. Underline

      MM is in vacations!

    90. Anonymous

      The thing with michal is, the next time he posts something, most of the stuff he writes will be contrary to this. As he comes up with something new everytime he posts something. It isn’t about whether he is right or wrong (he will always think he is right, even if he is contradicting himself). Just his little game “hey guys look, I just made up some intellectual stuff, think about it…. yeah!”
      One of these days he will come up with something else and post something about that. So don’t argue about whether it is true, or there is anything scientifically relevant to his posts. just take them as what they are: some intellectual stuff just an ordinary someone thought of and who wants others to think about it too, even if they discard is as bs or whatever….


    92. Anonymous


    93. Anonymous

      I’m not trying to be any of the retards that annoyingly asks MM to update his blog. The truth is I have a great deal of respect for MM’s thoughts (though I don’t always agree) and see much of it as incredibly useful. Hell, I’m a programmer that needs inspiration! So long story short MM, if you read this, I hope you take the time to update, as your fans truly appreciated it. Much more than you might think. :)

    94. Sigvatr

      Michal hasn’t taken the time to break this to anyone, but he and I stopped working together about a month ago. Berserker has been cancelled and I am not sure what he is going to do with Link-Dead, but Synsynth and I are no longer working with him.

    95. That’s quite a surprise…

    96. lol Eric, i hope you dont talk shit.

    97. Haha, i knew MM was going to quit when he reseted beserker

    98. Yeah Sigvatr is right. And, by the way, I am gay. La la la la! I love the colors of the rainbow :)))))))

    99. teh_ham

      The problem with this blog is any jackass can pretend to be someone else.

    100. teh_ham

      Disregard that. I suck cocks :)

    101. Wolfmilf

      Ya, that was me playing teh_ham. He doesn’t suck cocks (I think).

      Since this is going off-topic afterall, go to this place and join us ^^
      There will be awesomeness, hotness and cuteness.
      And Jessica Alba is there too. No really. :)

    102. Anonymous

      Ha, this all better be false… Or else I’m going to work harder and faster (well that didn’t sound right) on my game 😀

    103. Anonymous

      This has become one of the most commented articles on!


    105. Meh, it must be pretty sad for MM to have such stupid fans… Ofc not all of you (maybe 60%… is). This is blog if you haven’t noticed yet and the topic of this section is “The sense of excellence”. So why do you talk about all this shit (“MM dies – AAaaAAAaa!!”, “he is faggot”, “No, you are faggot”, “POST SOMETHING FFS BECAUSE ITS ONLY LECTURE I READ”). What makes you are HERE?! By your comments I can see that you don’t understand MM’s words at all. And I think that if you don’t understand something, better shut up. So shut up (I repeat, this post is not to all of you. To stupid people, even if they are graphics designers…)

      PS Is that shit you talk “sense of excellence” for you? It is? Omg, so poor World we have got….

    106. archont

      Berserker and link-dead is pretty-dead you say?

      If the guy posting as siggie really is siggie then let me make this official announcement:


      That would make me lose all respect I ever had for MM. The man who raved on about excellence, the man who criticized indie gamedevs for never getting anything done now gives up. The delightful irony.

    107. ID=definition of fag!

    108. Anonymous

      Lets not criticize or judge too quickly. MM is a busy man, and we should respect that. If we nag him, why should he continue creating content (Blog entries, Games, etc…) for us? I *sort of* agree with ID on a specific part, which is to say: Shut up, but only out of respect to giving MM the time he needs. From this point on, how about posting only constructive feedback, not bashing/flaming him/others.

    109. Nobody had done any real work on their games for ages. I told Eric (Sigvatr) that they were going nowhere but it took him months to finally face up to it and tell Michal it was over. These games were all hype, just a bunch of ideas they were really excited about but nothing tangible actually made. This blog just seems like a masturbatory “look how great I am” soapbox rather than something of real value. Anyone can talk big, but unless your actions match up to it it’s all bullshit. Michal’s not a god, he’s just a person like the rest of us. People fuck up and make mistakes, in this case he and Eric fucked up and made a big fuss about their games which would never get completed.

      Don’t put him on a pedestal, just cause he can talk big. Or because he made Soldat. Hell don’t put anyone on a pedestal no matter what they do. It just blinds you to the truth, in this case that the infinitely wise MM didn’t deliver on his promises and Bezerker and Link-Dead got canned. Don’t be a ‘fan’.

      In short, Bezerker and Link-Dead are pretty much shitcanned. This is not an official statement, it’s my informed opinion. Eric has given up working with him and that was not a fake post up there. I also hope Michal can recover from it and keep making games, without all the ego and bullshit that always leads to ruin. Thank you and good night.

    110. PS: I suck cocks :O .

    111. That would be very sad Hamish if it were true… Any way of proof?

    112. And btw… I fuck 8 year old boys and then shoot them in the head right before I cum so their assholes tighten for a more pleasureable experiance.

    113. How do you prove somebody isn’t doing something? Email them and ask them if you want proof. Also I don’t suck cocks.

    114. teh_ham

      If Michal & Siggy have quit on this game, then they would make a post here saying so.

    115. Wolfmilf

      Excactly. I don’t believe this unless I see an official post.

      I did the crazy nint22 fake post btw. Sigvatr told me to post that, so I did.

    116. Those of you wanting to know if Link-dead or Berserker got cancelled.. well, you’ll have to wait a little longer.

      You’ll know all you need to know in due time. All I’m going to tell you is that somebody will be disappointed. Either the guys who’re waiting for me to announce the end of transhuman design and my personal defeat.. or those who are here to see the progress of the games. You’re wondering who’s right?

      You’ll know soon enough.

    117. Hooray! I know this is good news, because I have faith. Ah I guess we will have to be patient. And as for what Wolfmilf; I do it every Sunday afternoon, want to join? 😀

    118. Wolfmilf

      Haha, nint 😛
      We’ll hunt them down in school and take ’em to a basement >:cD

      Anyways, this is all just scare tactics I suppose ^^

    119. teh_ham

      Can we get a straight answer MM? Is Berserker & Link-Dead cancelled or not?

    120. “You’ll know all you need to know in due time.”
      And when will that be?

    121. I have a big dog and when nobody’s around I cover my genitalia with peanut butter and honey.

      I do not, however, suck cocks. Disregard any messages claiming so as they are false.

    122. Anonymous

      OMG he his finishing R…

    123. That was me sorry

    124. But I like to put oil in young girls’ vagina and put a lighter in front of it. Then I jump on their stomach and I have a flamethrower.

    125. Wolfmilf

      Me ^_^

    126. Well even if MM doesn’t want to give us any precise information he could at least moderate comments or soon this blog will be overtaken by imposters 😉

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