I felt I need to make something for people that just start the game for the first time and need to target practice or are just waiting on an empty server for someone to join. An idea popped into my head: MUTANT SEWER RATS! When you join the game now the map will be inhabitated by living rats. Now these aren’t just moving sprites, they function as a little eco-system. Meaning they fight for food, mate and avoid predators. This mini-game in Link-Dead is a tribute to a game I played years ago called “Rats!” on Windows 3.1. Enjoy.
Changes 1874-1878:
Nice … never saw that coming, great idea though :).
Il download right now and check for the editor if everything works Il send you my map in the upcomming days to get your comments/suggestions before the release.
We should have a new map by this weekend !!!
Please remove the lights from minimalist. At 2+ players it lags like hell.
hi my new pc arrived today the first thing i do is install link dead
and it works perfectly (i can move the mouse now :D) but everytime i want join a game the game tells me i have not the same version of the game that the server has…… where can i get the new one the is also no auto update 
Rats are soooooo cute ๐
About the editor,
we still have a crash on collision deleting…witch you havent said was fixed nyway :). The part you said was fixed (multiple lines) is fixed.
But I also get a new bug that crashes when I test play my map … wasnt theyre yesterday… No problem in your map: newfactory though.
Yeah, new bug in editor.. when i try to save my map, compile or delete the collision line, it crashes.
I think that the problem still with the collision lines, because it dont get this error with the same map with no collision line.
Btw, rats are awesome! they eat you when you are in agony! ๐
Would be nice if rats could pose a threat of some kind…
I would suggest:
-Alpha rat… in a group of rats close to each other one inherit the alpha rat behavior and fight back players.
-Mega rat… Let them breed for too long they will give birth to a giant mutant rat (a mutant man bot with a rat skin)… my favorite
-Plague spreading rat… leave a particle trail that damage the player (a bit like smoke), a lot of plague rat will get you cornered.
-Pac man rat… radioactive food appears randomly in the level. When a rat eat that food he turns green and violent. watchout for radioactive bites :).
Just suggestions I know you get better things to do.
Those sound like sweet ideas. More for a new game mode though.
Yes maybe more like a modders job indeed.
I would love being hunted by a big rat while waiting for a game though…
can somebody help me ? why my game cant update?
(btw i cant sign in in the forum dont know why)
fgg02: LOL, I want to make the rats scriptable so you can do that on your own.
Sweet, I’m salivating over the eventual scripting engine. I hope we will be able to create custom animals with their own behaviors, sprites, sounds, animations, etc.