Defining Awesome — New blogging system
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  • New blogging system

    Written by . Posted at 6:28 am on May 1st, 2009

    I changed the format of this blog. From now on I will be blogging really small messages about my development process. This will go simultaneously here, to my Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

    Feel free to add yourself as my friend (you’re my friend if you play my games) to any of these accounts. The messages will all be the same so you can use any of them to track my work. Of course is the aggregate with all the links and all I do. From time to time I will post bigger articles here. My non-gamedevelopment stuff will probably go to a different section of this blog and won’t be part of the new blogging system.

    I’m currently keeping people that registered Soldat in my Facebook account. If you’re not there join me now.

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    1. Shoozza

      I see, you try to reach more people ๐Ÿ˜‰ and give them faster news about what you are doing. Good Idea.

    2. id still prefer the old theme >.>

    3. this is shit i want the old one back

    4. rfreak

      I hate facetube and youbook they will ruin your life!

      Epic Fail MM your progress will fail because of your wanting to publish all what you do.

      Still hope you sucess.

    5. underline

      Hell yeah! ๐Ÿ˜€

    6. I like this format. Your previous theme had text so small it was very hard to read. This is perfect! :-)

    7. I like that you’re reaching out to more, but fuck facebook and myspace. I hate those sites with a passion, not to mention, it is almost impossible to delete your account, once you sign up. Plus, privacy is another factor that boggles my mind with Facebook. If I had an account with my interests in my profile, my whole family would know things about me, which, I consider things they shouldn’t be bothered with.

      The way you had it as was, is good enough. You could still put up small messages with less maintenance. Not to be critical or anything. All those who know about Link-Dead already visit your blog diligently. Pretty much everyone who plays Soldat, knows about Link-Dead.

      So, keep things as simple as you can. We’re all hungry for updates and new developments on you projects, but, you don’t owe us anything. We’ll find out, when it’s time to find out.

      Reaching out is good. We can help with that too. I have friends who are already interested in Link-Dead & they are of the crowd that you want to have interested, not some facebook frat loser whose favorite games are xbox360 party games.

    8. rfreak

      +1 Snow

      You said that one of your rule was not to expose your developement fully and pass less time on sites not worth interest. Facetube is one of those. Pass more time with familly if needed. but you dont need some virtual facetube addict friends. You also said something like “Do not watch T.V, once you know it’s all about brainwashing and marketing it’s easy to do” Facetube is all about that too! It want’s to make you a dum adict. Dont get lost MM. Best of success.

    9. MM is now a publicity whore.

    10. I’m not spending time on facebook. It’s all easy with I just post my news to all networking sites at once. If you prefer twitter to a blog, use twitter. Of course I want to reach out. Aggregating is a way to get everyone in touch with me and the development process. I felt people are too spread out. There is no reason why someone should visit this blog if he spends most of his time on facebook. Use facebook and everyone is happy.

    11. underline

      Hey mm, why i cant set a picture in my profile??

    12. WordPress blogs use gravatars.
      Go to and there you can setup your unique avatar in conjuction with your email.

    13. Please set an Icon for this website.

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