Defining Awesome — Soldat clone videos
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  • Soldat clone videos

    Written by . Posted at 11:30 am on November 19th, 2009

    Subscribe to my Youtube channel! There is a little feature there in the playlists if you can find it called “Soldat clones”. It’s game videos that I find of games that are published or still in development which I can see are a direct inspiration from Soldat. It’s a little hobby of mine gathering them.

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    1. MM, just a bit off topic, but thinking you wont read back other posts so , a short idea of the GUI, ever heard of the game Battlezone 2 ? it has quite a fast GUI whenever you needed to command you squad/army. Maybe an advanced version of that would work ?

      Just a note: dont use typed commands, use pre-programmed lists. its alot easier and alot faster. It gives less control, but, i think you have to sacrifice that for gameplay

    2. Battlezone 2 isnt a mouse-driven game so I suspect its a gui built to suit fps games?

      What do you mean by pre-programmed lists?

    3. That’s a good idea keeping a list like that. You need to add “Badgame” to that list. It’s probably the closest thing to a soldat clone I’ve seen. The only difference, other than being a clone, is that it has one way platforms (something I wish was in Soldat… hurry up and put that in soldat hehe).

      I have to admit that I hope to one day myself – program what could be considered somewhat of a clone. It is a 2d physics platformer – but will still be for the most part different from Soldat gameplay. Still learning basic programming at the moment though and doing artwork for some cool games.

    4. I think they are not actually Soldat clone. You are not the inventor of 2D Action game.

    5. I mean kind of like what some guy mentioned in the other post.

      You basicly press a key or hit something in ur GUI, or whenever you press a soldier in battle, a list of actions open with submenu’s/lists. Basicly containing all of the possible commands. Whenever you have an object orientated command, you should have a selection list at the mentioned object.

      Lets say you want Odin to move to the MG,

      You click/select Odin, a list of commands opens, you choose move, with either subcommands: Move to, Sneak To, Run To, Covered Move to. After you select that, you click on the area you want Odin to move to. Thats 1.

      Now you want him on the MG, if ur smart enough ( i guess so ) you made him move to the MG, you click on Odin, subcommand Use or whatever, List opens : Use Object, Pick up, Hack, Open door, Call elevator. ETC.

      You click Use Object, then select the MG.

      Its a pretty long way, but just an idea, you could also just make an option like Move to and Use, then select the MG or whatever.

      I hope this was clear enough ? Please feel free to ask more xD

    6. TLD: heh, that’s basically what I am going to do. That’s why I am writing a fast GUI. It’ll also rely heavily on keyboard shortcuts.

    7. MM, this game is going to be incredibly interesting

      IF it works.

      would you be kind enough to show us your ideas in screenshots/animated gifs, or perhaps some deeper explanation ?

      If you are indeed making it the way i think you are, its going to be a fast GUI, with alot of functions.

      Also, id like to know how your Hacking system is going to work. Will that all be done by AI/ timer ? or is it still the job for the player?

    8. 2D side scrolling shooter != Soldat clone.

    9. At the risk of copying something from cortex command, the right-click “circle-menu” where you quickly pick your stuff (something similar is also in Crysis for choosing the suit ability) is pretty cool and really fast, so this would be especially indicated for 5 or 6 “critical” commands that have to be activated really fast (shields, weaponchange, getting cover, etc.).

    10. Crash commando does not deserve to be called a clone, is a blatant copy of soldat and commercial. The other games have inspired soldat but have their own essence.

      One question, when will it be completed Link-Dead, more or less so it can be downloaded and played? (a beta)

    11. I consider a copy a clone?

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