Today is one of those days when nothing works. Although I managed to do this
in weapon scripts.
Posts from February 2010
This is a config file for a Link-Dead weapon – Any suggestions are welcome.
Bot deathmatch (work-in-progress) video
This bot is relatively easy. His main weakness is his aim which I dumbed down a lot. You’ll see he needs a couple shots to get an accurate shot. I think this simulates pretty good a noob player (which is a quite difficult task in AI).
What the bot has:
– pathfinding to enemy
– human aim simulation (slow and innacurate, becomes more accurate after initial shots)
– decides when it is good to duck for cover after shot or reload
What it lacks still:
– decision whether to engage target or retreat
– taking advantage of enemies weaknesses (enemies worse position, health, shooting obstructed when climbing)
-sometimes he miscalculates if he is visible to the enemy
Big remark:
The bot is not an enemy in a 2d platformer. The bot in Link-Dead is actually a simulation of the player in front of the computer. So he sees what a player sees and does things a player would do.
The bots will do amazing things if I pull this off. Btw. its a real – GEM more devs should appreciate it.