Defining Awesome — News
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    January 17th 2008

    IndieGames interview

    A new interview with me and Sigvatr is available on IndieGames here.

    It’s about our upcoming games Link-dead, Berserker and a couple other random facts. There are also some never before seen graphics from Berserker so check it out.

    January 2nd 2008

    Official announcment: Berserker

    Odin has once again blessed us. He said why make 1 awesome game when you can do 2! Yes! We shall not betray our fans and give them even more ass kicking!! – we shouted as he sent the berseker rage down to us which filled our hearts with anger and pure power capable of destroying worlds and slaying even the toughest enemies!


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    November 24th 2007

    Spontaneous musical creations

    I decided to get some of my music out of the closet. I never did anything with them because I make music for my own pleasure and fun. But now I’ve come to a point where I’m interested what other people think about it. The only place where you could find my music up until now was the old Soldat theme and (remember that?) and of course the complete soundtrack for R.

    You can find the music in this new section My Music, with descriptions and extended commentaries to music from R. Don’t expect to hear a specific style cause I experiment with everything. All the stuff there comes from the heart and I hope you like it.

    October 25th 2007

    My server

    You might know this or not but all my Soldat and other game related stuff are now hosted on one server. This post is to inform you that we’re going a big step forward now. You might have noticed that all the mirror files are gone and I’m hosting it only from one location. This is a dedicated server machine hosted and built in Chicago personally by Mr. FliesLikeABrick. Everything is hosted in one location, I know it was a pain to maintain everything at couple locations (like lobby server, mirrors, BattlEye server, SVN reps, forums, site etc.), so a brick has been lifted off of FliesLikeABricks shoulders. Finally I can afford to own a machine like that thanks to all people that are registering, so this is because of you (and keep it coming cause I have to pay the rent;). I haven’t bought myself a new car from the registration money yet so you can see that I’m investing the money in my games. We are preparing for the future. We need a server like this to handle all future requirements not only for Soldat, link-dead but for everything that might come next. FliesLikeABrick assures me that the server will take the load, so I trust him and I’m preparing a new game that will beat everything else in popularity and really stress test the server.
    You can read more specific details on the server and hosting adventures on FliesLikeABrick blog.

    September 21st 2007

    Official announcement : link-dead


    Official news. Please feel free to copy and announce it everywhere you want this to be heard about: your blog, a news page, CNN…
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    August 20th 2007

    Google code and lobby news

    If you want to know some interesting stuff about the development of the Soldat lobby server be sure to visit FliesLikeABrick’s blog. He has a post on the history of the new lobby and the future possibilities of it. That means what new stuff might come up in Soldat in the nearest future.

    In other news:

    I added Crimson Glory (or Crimson Engine) to the Google Code open source repository.

    This is a chance for people to work together and add stuff because it uses SVN, this is also a chance to view the code and learn easily. This is an underestimated opportunity. What I’m giving you here is source code for an entire game engine. You won’t find this anywhere else (at least not a game of this kind).

    hubisiowy already made some fun with the game in this Soldat Forums thread, check it out.

    The projects home page can be viewed here.

    You can view the code from a web browser here.

    August 14th 2007

    Offline until 19.08.2007

    I will be gone and offline until Sunday.  EnEsCe is also gone until the 19th, that means no Soldat dev will be in the house. Unless you nag FliesLikeABrick to start some Lobby API and new lobby features. In other news Soldat PolyWorks has gone open source, so check it out.

    August 9th 2007

    New game announcment in September

    I promised to announce everything concerning my new game. That means the title, what it’s about and probably some concept art. With that I want to announce some job offers but I don’t want to do this now. The reason is I’ll probably get lots of e-mails about the game and I just don’t have time right now to fully commit to this task. It’s the summer season and I’m too distracted by non-game related things. So wait for probably the beginning of September and you’ll get to know everything.
    In the mean time I’m gonna release Soldat 1.4.2 which has been delayed now and of course wait for some development logs, cause I’ll show you probably some more candy.

    July 11th 2007

    Crimson Glory source code released!

    Crimson Glory is officially open source. You can download it and do whatever you want with it, unless you want to use it commercially (more info in license.txt).

    I want you to get the source code, educate yourself and maybe help me out with it. Add stuff, modify, optimize, suggestions are welcome. I’m using this in my new game, the structure of the engine and all of its core components like scripting and entities will be the same.

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